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Damian looked at his sister on the back of Daryl's motorcycle. She looked at Daryl as they got beside the others. Damian smiled as he watched them leave and started following them. Harley watched as the buildings went by as she hopes things will work out for them. That they find a place were they can finally relax without walkers trying to kill them.

Not saying a word as they drove down the road, Harley kept her hold on Daryl as her brother was behind them with Dale. She looked behind them then back to the front. She saw the cars blocking the road. "Oh my god."

"See a way through?" Dale asked them.

Daryl looked behind them and nodded as he turned around and lead them through till they heard a clanking noise. Harley got off the back of Daryl's motorcycle and started searching. "Harley..."

"Damian, I'll be fine. I'm going to search."

Damian nodded as Daryl watched her walk away. Harley smiled as she searched for things. She smiled as she thought finding things for the group was needing. She turned around having a bad feeling. "Under the cars." Rick tells her.

"Harley?" Damian called out as he searched for his sister.

Harley hid under a truck as she watched the walkers go by. She didn't move, she didn't say a word. She closed her eyes just to see Daryl and T-dog under dead bodies of walkers. Daryl saw Harley as she closed her eyes hoping that the walkers don't see her. Daryl knew she was being quiet and staying still.

Damian hid under a walker himself, but didn't see his sister just yet. Harley pulled her knife out ready to kill. When everything stopped, Harley looked around her till she heard the scream. Damian was fast to react to see Sophia being chased causing him and Rick to run after her.

Harley got off underneath just for Daryl to grab her. "Damian!" Harley cried out as she watched her brother run farther into the woods.
Harley stood by herself waiting for her brother. Carol walked over to her and hugged her. Harley knew that Daryl and Damian could take care of theirselves, but she still worries about them. "They'll be fine. I know they are doing everything to find my daughter."

Harley didn't say a word as she stared out into the woods. "Harley, why don't you help us? It can take your mind off of them being gone." Lori said.

"Lori, I'm not like you. I don't treat Carl like a baby and I definitely don't screw my husband's best friend." She said. "What are you even doing besides asking me to look."


Harley rolled her eyes as she walked away. She didn't mean it, but she had rights to worry.
When Daryl, Rick, and Damian came back, Harley ran into her brother's arms just for him to pull her away as he walked away. She looked at Daryl and smiled a bit before walking away. "Harley." She looked at him. "He feels guilty for losing her."

Harley didn't say a word, but nodded. Daryl watched her walk away to a car to look inside. He walked over to her causing her to look at him. "He did the right thing. He acted fast." She says as she found a gun. "Rick acted fast too, but Damian was right on her."

"He claimed he kill one walker as Rick was the one to tell her to hide and how to get back." Daryl tells her.

Harley looked at him and smiled. He's right. Her brother does this when he feels guilty and tomorrow, they all were going to search for Sophia. She grabbed an axe and looked at him. "I think this one is mine."

Daryl looked at her and laughed.
The next day, Daryl and Damian walked over to Harley. She looked up from looking inside a car. "Stay close with us." Damian tells her. "I can't lose my sister like we lost Sophia."

"That's not your fault." She tells him. "Damian, I'll stick to you and Daryl. Don't worry."

Damian nodded as they lead the way. Harley followed them as they paid attention to their surroundings. Harley stopped causing her brother and Daryl to look at her. She nodded towards a tent. Daryl stopped them as he went to the tent. Damian wasn't far behind Daryl. "Call out softly." Rick tells her.

"Sophia?" Carol says causing Harley to hear gagging as her brother walked in. "Damian?" Carol called out.


"It ain't her." Damian said.

"Who's in there?"

"Some guy. Did what Jenner said. Opted out. Isn't that what he called it."

They heard bells causing them to all run towards the sound.
They arrived to see a church. Harley looked at Daryl and Damian before they ran to the church. She stayed behind Daryl as Rick opened the church door causing her to stay put as her brother and Daryl went in killing the walkers. "Sophia!" Daryl called out till she heard the church bells.

"Timer." Harley mumbled as she walked in with Carol. "We'll find her or at least to know what happened."

"Thank you, Harley."

Damian looked his sister as she sat with Carol. He blames himself for what happened. If he stayed with Sophia then none of this would be happening. "Hey.' He looked at Daryl. "We'll find her."

"I keep thinking if that was Harley, man." He said. "The thought of her being harmed..."

"Harley can take care of herself." Daryl said.

"You're right."

Harley walked out with the others hearing that they were separating. "I'll go with Rick. Just to keep an eye on Carl."

"She does know the woods." Damian said. "She'll be fine."

Daryl grabbed Harley causing her to look at him. "If anything happens to her, I will kill you and Shane." Rick and Shane nodded. "Be safe."

Harley nodded as she walked away with Shane and Carl as Rick went inside. After he walked out, they were ready to go. Carl followed Harley till they stopped to see a deer. Carl slowly walked to it after being told to. Harley saw something causing her to grab Carl just as a shot went off causing Harley to fall down with blood pouring out. "No. No, no, no." Rick said as he ran to Harley's side.

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