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Hearing that shot had them worried. Harley was worried as her brother and boyfriend went searching for Randall. She remembered when Shane came back, he looked beaten, but she got to thinking, if Randall was handcuffed this whole time, how did the man attack a cop. A man who is trained to fight and protect. "Harley?"


"What's bothering you?"

"The way Shane acted. Something about Randall attacking him doesn't seem right." She says looking at Carol. "I think Dale was right. Shane killed Otis and there might have been a possibility that he did the same to Randall."

The door opened for them to see Glenn, Damian and Daryl. "Did you find Randall?"

"Yeah, but we found him as a walker."

"Was he bit?" Harley asked.

"No. There was no marks besides his neck being snapped."

Harley knew Rick knows something about this and that was something will cause some problems with in the group.
They walked outside just to see a herd of walkers. "Oh my god." She says as Daryl grabbed her.

"Stay here. I'll go get them back."

"Daryl?" He looked at her. "I love you, baby."

"I love you."

Damian smiled as the two shared a kiss before hugging his sister. "I love you, sis."

"I love you too, but be careful and keep Daryl safe."

Carol hugged her as Daryl and Damian started shooting. The two heard Lori causing Carol to kiss her head and follow Lori in while Harley grabbed a gun. "Come on." Maggie tells her. "We need to get you out of here. Dad!"
Harley started shooting as she wasn't going to leave till she was with Daryl. She saw walkers coming towards her had her screaming as she started shooting. Daryl saw her and rode over to her. "Get on!"

Harley got on as she held onto him. "Thank you."

"Why didn't you leave?"

"I didn't want to go without you and my brother." She tells him. "I don't want to go on without you two and this baby needs his or her father."

Daryl stopped. Harley was confused till he kissed her. "I love you, stubborn woman."

"I love you too, ass. Now let's catch up to them." She pointed seeing a truck swerving causing them to follow.

Damian saw his sister and friend. Carol smiled as she was happy that they were safe. "They're safe." She tells him. "Daryl found her."

"Good, but I will kill her myself for giving me a heart attack."
When they found Hershel, Rick, and Carl, everyone started questioning about the ones they have lost. Daryl held Harley close as they listened to them talk. She was tired, hungry, and wants a shower after what happened back at the farm. Hearing the walker, Harley felt Daryl let her go and shoot the walker with an arrow. "It's not safe here."

"Let's go." Daryl says. "We'll find a new spot."
Night came and the group had decided to stop. Harley had her head against Daryl's shoulder as she was drifting off to sleep. She wouldn't speak much as she knew that all this was going to stress her out. Hearing that they were infected and that Rick killed Shane proved to Harley that she needs to sleep and not think anything about it.

"What about your sister?" Carol tells Damian. "What happens if Rick kills her?"

"He wouldn't do that." Daryl says defending Rick. "Harley is like a little sister to him."

Carol knew in that moment that she was on her own. She saw Daryl pull Harley close to him as she fell asleep. "I'm just thinking of Harley and the baby." Was all she said to Damian.

Damian knew what she was saying, but Rick hasn't put anyone else in danger. He kept himself safe when Shane tried to kill him and the information of them all being infected shouldn't have affected them after finding Randall with his neck snapped. "All I care about right now is finding a safe place for my sister so she can deliver her baby safely."

"Agree." Daryl says kissing Harley's head. "But I better be there when she delivers."

"I'm sure she will make sure of that."

Harley sighed in her sleep as she was a little warm and was comfortable. Daryl looked at the girl in his arms as he was going to marry her one day. "I love you, Harley." He whispered in her ears.

She smiled as she heard those words. She loves him too.

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