Draco Malfoy X Diana Potter LEMON

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Diana: I don't get it Harry. Why do you hate Draco so much? What did he do to you?

Harry: losts of things 

Diana: Name one!

Harry: girls
Draco: *walks*

Diana: Hey Draco! *runs over to him with her brother following her*

Draco: hey
Harry: -_-

Diana: Where are you going?

Draco: somwhere
Harry: -_-

Diana: Mind if I join you?

Draco: sure i guess...
Harry: -_- yea sure

Diana: What's whong with you Harry? Wait let me rephrase. Why are you so againts me hanging out with Draco?

Harry: no reason 

Diana: When why are you always mad when I'm around him? You do remember that I'll see him sooner or later after all, right? I'm a Slytherin after all.

Harry: whatever

Diana: I'll see you later okay? *turns back to Draco* Lead the way Dray! Since I don't know where you're going. You'll have to lead me there *smiles sweetly*

Draco: *goes to the yard*

Diana: I'l never understand him. I have a feeling that my brother will go crazy sometime soon

Draco: ....

Diana: You okay? You look like you haven't slept in days

Draco: i am find

Diana: *caresses his cheek with her hand* You are worrying me Dray! You don't sleep, you don't eat and you're missing a lot these days

Draco: *blushing*

Diana: Why are you doing this to you're self? You can barely stand

Draco: maybe ur right. ..

Diana: *takes his hand in hers* Lets go to The Great Hall. Its Lunch time already and you need to eat something before you faint

Draco: but i am not hungry

Diana: When was the last time you ate?

Draco: i dont remember

Diana: Just my point. Come on. Please!

Draco: ok

Diana: *grins and kisses his cheek*

Draco: *blushing*

Diana: *leads him to The Great Hall by the hand*

Draco: ...

Pansy: DRACYY!
Diana: *facepalms* OMFG~

Draco: ....

Pansy: You okay sweetie? You don't look so good

Draco: just hungry and need something. .to drink

Pansy: *pours him a glass of pumpkin juice* Here you go sweetheart!

Draco: thx u

Blaise: *whispers to Draco* Dude, I think our little Diana has a BIG crush on you

Draco: really?

Blaise: Just look at her
Diana: *without a smile, playing with her food*

Draco: ...Diane

Blaise: *whispers to Draco* She is not only jealous because Pansy. She's sad because you ignored her these days. You barely listen to her even

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