♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: My Princess is the best girlfriend ever♥

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~ At Hogwards ~

Chase Davenport was walking around the castle, lookingg for his girlfriend Hermione Grainger but he couldn't find her anywhere. Thats when he remembered to check the main hallway but when he got there the worst suprise was waiting for him there. His dear girlfriend was on the floor on top of one of him best friends, none other then Ron Weasley who was pined down to the ground by her while she was making out with him

chase: ( his eyes go wide then he clears his throat and does it so both of them can hear him) hmhm!!
Hermione: (heard someone clear his throat and looks up to see who it was when she sees that's its chase her eyes go wide and gets of of Ron quickly and speaks with surprise and chock)

Ron: Dude I swear on our friendship I have nothing to do with this. We were argueing and i was about to hex her when she did this to me

chase: (glares at Ron for a moment but sees in his eyes and knows that he speaks the truth then turns his eyes and turns and looks at Hermione with a death glare)
Hermione: (has a fear in her eyes and speaks with both fear and chock) He's lying it was the other way around.
chase: (crosses his arms over his chest and keeps the glare directed at her) oh really? (says sarcastically)
Hermione: yes i'm telling you the truth.
chase:(hardens his glare if looks could kill Hermione would have died 5 times already then says with a loud and hard tone) No! (says with anger in his voice) your the one that's lying to me not Ron. (at his next words you can hear and see hurt in his eyes and voice) i thought that you loved me but apparently you don't. How could you do this to me ?!
Hermione: chase please i swear i still love you.
chase: (yells with tears in his eyes) Lies!!

Suddenly another angry voice is heard in the room
Diana: WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE DRAGON IS GOING ON HERE? *says as she walks to them along with Bree and Harry*
Harry: Ron what's happening? Why are u on the floor?And why is Hermione on top of u?
Ron: Ask her not me. I'm still confused how everything happened. It was really fast

Bree: chase?
chase turns his attention to Bree for a second then turns his head back to Hermione.
Bree: (gasps when she saw Chase's eyes and gets part of what happend) i think i get what happend here. chase? (looks at him) was Hermione was making out with Ron before we or you got here ?
Chase: (keeps his eyes on Hermione and nods his head and his hands turn into fits)
Bree: (frowns and doesn't say anything anymore)
chase: (says with anger in his voice and eyes) tell me the truth Hermione why did you do this to me could've just told me!
Hermione: no you miss understand.
Chase: (keeps speaking with anger) oh i understand it better then ever.

Diana walks over to Chase and wraps her arms around him from behind, putting her chin on his shoulder
Diana: Chase, calm down My Prince. This isn't worth it. U can find a much better girl then her and she can make all ur dreams come true. Please just let it go

chase: (tuns around and faces Diana and his gaze softens and wraps his arms around her and hugs her back tightly) your right my Princess and you know i already found my better girl. (smiles and winks at Diana)
Hermione: no that's impossible!
Bree: oh yeah (crosses her arms) wait and see Grainger. (looks at Diana and chase and gives them a smiles)

LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now