Love is Eternity (Diana X Draco)

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~ The Great Hall - Lunch Time Halloween1991 ~

Pansy: *to her peeps* So Dracos just asked me to the ball guys. And Ihave this really cute dressed planned for the evening

Diana: * enters through the gate and goes to see her friends at every table * Hey Ron, whats going on today?

Ron: malfoy's taking parkinson to the ball? 
Hermione: yea shes going all egotistical about it

Diana: * giggle * And you believe that?

Ron: Pfft of course not...
Hermione:shut up ronald

Diana: By the way Where is Harry? Expected to be the first here today. Is he still sleeping?

Harry: nope im right here. *walks into the great hall*

Diana: Let me guess. You smoked with Draco, right?

Harry: huh no...yes

Diana: There is nothing to be ashamed. You two need to drink a coffee with a cigarette to wake up early in the morning.

Harry: that is true

Diana: If you were together why is not he around you?

Draco: im here babe. Wer u sad without me *smirk*

Diana: * smiles widely, turns and hugs him tight * A lot!

Draco: *hugs you back Brings you to the front of the hall* Can I please jave your attention

Diana: *whispers* What are you doing Dray?

Draco:thank you. Now I would like to tell you al that Diana is going yo be my date to the ball.
Pansy: what!?!?

Diana: * starts to cry with happiness and hugs him around the neck * Oh Dray ... * kisses him on the cheek repeatedly *

Draco: thank you. *walks back to harry and the gang*
Harry:that musy have took somw guts bro

Diana: Pansy claimed all day that you asked her

Draco:that bitch. *moves in to kiss her*

Diana: * closes her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck *

~At The Ball~
Draco: diane you look amazing* stares*

Diana: * kisses him gently on the lips * Thank you my darling! You're very handsome and charming tonight

Draco: arent I always *takes her hand and walks into the great hall*

Twins: * their mouths fall to the ground * 
Fred: * recovers quickly and smiles * It's about time! 
George: You look stunning!

Draco: *growls* stay away from her

Fred: Dude calm down! She is like our sister 
George: Our job is to protect her, not to flirt with her

Diana: They are right. They are part of the my father's knights.

Draco:*calms down* sorry about that

Fred: No harm done. 
George: Now you know why is she in your house. Princess Diana!

Fred: Princess of Wonderland and Fairy of the eternal fire

Draco:thats my girl
Pansy: cruc-
Draco: protego

George: drew your sword Sir Fred
Fred: * asks sarcastically * From where? From my pants?

Diana: * stands frightened behind Draco *

Draco:quit messing around. Parkinsin? Whats ur problem. 
Pansy: my priblem is that ur mine draco. Mine only.

Diana: * falls to hes knees with tears on her face *

Draco:babe get up ur gonna ruin ur dress. 
Pansy: stupefy *to you but misses u*
Draco: ive had it parkinson. Stupefy. 

twins: * kneeling to Diana *
Fred: Take a deep breath Princess and say the spell

Draco:*falls to hus knees* Babe I need u to say the spell. Its all going to b alright

George: * tells Draco * This is a reaction to her powers. Pansy had nothing to do with it.

Draco: *picks you up* come on lets see what Madame pomfrey has to say bt this

~ 5 renamed later - In the hospital wing ~
Hunter: How did this happen?
Fred: Her powers occurred

Draco: madame pomfrey said that when tgere r unforgivable curses r getong used around fairies they dont take it too well

Blake: Did she say the spell?
George: No!

Draco:that's the problem. *sees you stirribg* diane babe wake up.

Hunter: The spell protects her from losing consciousness. I am not surprised that she is unconscious

Harry: its ok draco calm down. Shes gonna wake up

Black: I know how to wake her 
Hunter: Do not! You will scare her and she will kill you because you're an idiot.

Draco: do it. Anything. I need her

Hunter: Believe me, Draco is not necessary. She'll wake up soon.
Diana: * starts to come into consciousness *
Hunter: See, I told you. I know my cousin beautifully

Draco: diane? *movea to her face and starts to peck her*

Fred: And you know that now we have to leave them alone. We'll see her later, when she has no headache *they go out and leave her and draco alone*

Draco: babe?

Diana: * whispered weakly * What happened?

Draco: babe dobt worry bt that yet k

Diana: * nods slightly * Did you miss me?

Draco:is that even a question.of course I did

Draco: *kisses u*

Diana: * kisses him back and hugs him gently around the neck * Will you stay with me tonight?

Draco: of course babe

Diana: I want to sleep in your arms tonight

Draco:and I want to hold u

Diana: I want to be with you 24 hours a day

Draco: I want to be with 365 days a year

Diana: I want to be with you a lifetime

Draco: I wabt to b with u for infinriy *higs amu and poaces kisses where he can*

Hugs you*

Diana: This can be arranged

Draco: hahaha I love you diane

Diana: I love you too Dray 

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