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~ History of Magic ~

Diana: *sitting next to Chase on the desk*

Behind them are Hermione and Harry and before them are Draco and Bree

chase: (puts one of his hands under his desk and puts it on Diana's leg and rubs up and down and while half paying attention to the class)

Hermione: (looks at chase and sees him move his hand under the desk and first thinks that she's imagining things)

Diana: *notices and blushes at his action*

chase: (looks at her while still doing the movement with his hand and smiles at her)

Hermione: (sees chase smiling at Diana and sees her blush and thinks: why is Diana blushing ?

chase: (keeps rubbing her leg with one hand and moves to the inside of her leg and does the same there)

Diana: *fights back a moan* Chase you are asking for trouble

chase: i know i gues i'll stop then (stops rubbing her leg and lets his hand just rest there and whispers so that only she can hear it) do you mind if i leave my hand there i wont do anything i'll just let it rest there (smiles at her)

Hermione: (thinks: what did she just say to him ? i'll ask him after class is over)

Adam: *says to Leo while sittong behind Hermione* Chase is flirting with Diana again

Leo: She's his HOT best friend. I am not suprised he's dreaming of her naked after all

Hermione: (hears what Leo and Adam say and turns to face hem and glares at them then speaks softly) will you two be quit and chase is not flirting with Diana he would never do that and don't talk about him like that or you'll be sorry (glares even more at them)

Adam: We know our brother best Hermione.

Leo: True. And we are in one dorm with him and we know that he has dreams of him and her having sex

Diana: *hwears Leo and gasps, then turns to them as well* Leo I can hear you over here. Shut it before someone else also does.

chase: (looks at both Adam and Leo with a very angry expression) when school is over you both are dead meat but you will be dead the most Leo. (looks at himif looks could kill He would have died three times)

Hermione: (shakes her head in disbelief and looks even angrier then before) no its not true your lying. (looks at chase) chase please tell me that they are lying ? (sounds a little scared)

chase: (looks at her) its not true Hermione there lying you know how they love to tease me

Hermione: (smiles sweetly at him) that good the hear.

chase: (smiles back at her then looks back at Leo and Adam with an expression that says "if you say one more word i will kill you very slowly and painfully")

Adam: *turns to Leo* Told u, now pay up

Leo gives Adam some money

Diana: What did u two bet on?

Adam: Diana what would u do if we ask u to pose for us naked so we can make a art picture of you

chase: (growls) LEO !!!

Hermione: what are you two idiots talking about and asking something like that is unacceptable Leo (glares at him)

Leo: No it's not. It's natural.Natural art and some people pay good money for it

Chase: (growls even more) you are gonna pay for this !!

Hermione: what ?! that doesn't even make any sens. (keeps glaring at him)

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