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~ Porions Class ~

Diana: *sits with Draco and Pansy* I have this class. When will out teachers start to make their work better I will never understand

Draco: you have different teachers, teachers that are good and teachers that are bad like this one for instant (looks at the teacher annoyed)
Pansy: you right about that Diana. (smiles)

Diana: *giggles at the two of them*
Leo: *whispering to Chase on a near by table* Staring at Diana again, are we Chase? *teases him*

Chase: (looks away from Diana) no, i was not Staring at her. i heard her giggle and i wanted to now why and it seem that it was because of something they said (looks at Draco and Pansy)

Ron: *whispers to Harry* Chase is sooo playing dumb right now, just look at his face. He is blushing crimson red at the moment *chuckles*

Harry: (looks at chase and whispers back) yes he is playing dumb that's pretty clear(starts laughing)
Chase: (heard what they said and looks angry at them)

Blaise: Hermione give the poor boy some words of wisdome. It might help the poor boy with this so called girl problem *jokes*

Ron, Adam and Leo start to laugh at that

Hermione: why me ?! don't tease and laugh at him. (looks at chase and calls out to him) chase.
Chase:(hears his name being called and looks were it comes from and looks at Hermione) what is it ?
Hermione: ignore what they say chase there just jealous (winks at him)
Chase: (nods back) i know thanks for defending me (smiles at her)

Blaise: jealous? Of what?

Hermione: on chase at how he looks and that he has his eyes on a girl and can get her (smirks) while you don't have boyfriends and girlfriends.

Blaise, Leo, Ron and Adam: Owwwwww!

Diana: *looks at Chasse and then whispers to Bree and Pansy* Girl I don't know how to say this but you can kill me after this if you want Bree .... because I'm falling for your brother

Bree: you couldn't chose a better guy Diana (smiles at her) trust me luck will be on your side.
Pansy: what makes you say that bree ?
Bree: wel just trust me.

Diana: Which of your brothers do you think I'm talking about Bree

Bree: (rises a brow) are you seriously asking me that. you should now me better then that Diana (whisper to her) your talking about chase. (smiles in victory)

Diana: Draco? What is your opinion about my situation? I know you heard everything loud and clear

Draco: yes i heard. well chase looks like the guy for you and i don't know him to well so i say go for it.
Bree: (looks suprised) wow draco i have never hear you talk like that (jokes) what have you done with the real one ?!
Draco: (looks annoyed at her) i'm stil me so shut up.
Bree: oww hes back again (smiles)

Diana: *falls from her chair in a haughing fit*

Im that moment the bell rigngs and everyone starts to pack up to leave

chase:(heard her falling and goes to Diana) Are you OK Diana ?
everyone leaves the class to go to the next one except for Draco, Chase, Hermione , Bree and diana

Diana: Noo, I need help

Chase: (helps her up by taking her bridal style and puts her back on her feet gently) better ? are you hurt anywhere ? (looks at her with worry)
Bree: (thinks: you sure showed them) (looks at Diana) everything ok Diana ?

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