♥ LAB RATS: ELITE FORCE - Simply the Best ♥

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Bree's outfit:
Skyler's outfit:
Diana's outfit:

Diana: I HATE BEING A MAN MAGNET. 3 boys are fighting ofer me everyday since i got bad home and the I only love one of them *says as she lays down on the sofa with her head on Bree's lap and her feet on Skyler's lap*

Bree: yeah i can understand why you say that. it must be so hard on you. (strokes her hair with her hand)
Skyler: (nods) oh you poor girl. (then suddenly yell out) HEY!! how about the 3 of us have a girls day ?
Bree: that sounds like something to do to get Diana AWAY from Kaz, Oliver and chase for a while.
Skyler: what do you think Dani ?

Diana: Thats the problem. I don't want to be away from Chase. I want to spend time with him but whenever I enter the room the 3 start fighting over me

Skyler: you got a point.
Bree: how about we distract Oliver and Kaz so you can spend some time with chase ?
Skyler: good idea but there is a problem.
Bree: (looks at Skyler) witch is ?
Skyler: how in the world are we gonna do that ?
Bree: we will think of somthing. how does that sound to you Diana ?

Diana: *starts grining* Lets just say I got a great idea. The boys are with my father right now right?

Bree: yes they are why ?
Skyler: yeah and whats your Idea Dani ?

Diana: Follow me and u will see *smirks as she starts walking towards the new lab*

Bree and skyler look at each other in confusion then they shrug and stand up and follow Diana towards the new lab.


~ Meanwhile in the lab ~

Mr. Davenport is working on something with Chase, Oliver and Kaz while listening to the 3 boys show off to each other while argueing about who is best for Diana

Kaz, Oliver and chase are working while they talk.
Kaz: i'm the best for Diana.
Oliver: What ? no way what makes you even say that ? i'm telling you its me.
Kaz: ya right. i'm a gentleman, i'm handsome and i'm smart. (stand up proudly)
Oliver: (laughs) you wish, i'm the smartest out of you two (points to chase and Kaz)
chase: (scoffs) dream on you two. i'm smarter then you two combined.
Kaz and Oliver: no your not.
while they argue Mr davenport rolls his eyes and shakes his head at the three of them.
Mr davenport: (thinks: what chase says is right he's the smartest guy in the world.) can you three stop arguing and focus on working ?!
Kaz, Oliver and chase stop arguing the minute Mr davenport asks and they start working in silence.
Mr davenport: (lets out a heavy sighs) finally some peace and quit at last.

Just then the 3 girls enter the room
Diana: Hey boys! Hi daddy. Sorry for bothering u but I have a favor to ask u for

Kaz, Oliver and chase stop working when they hear Diana's voice and look at her with hearts in there eyes and say at the same time: Hey Diana.
Bree: (whispers to Skyler) oh boy.
Skyler: (nods her head in agreement with Bree then wispers back) ) you said it.
Mr davenport: (shakes his head at the boys then stop working and looks at Diana white a smiles) hey sweety um sure what is it ?

Diana: How much do u need Chase today?

Mr davenport: well i don't really need him anymore, he actually helped me a lot today. so he's free to go. why ?
chase's eyes go wide for a moment then they go back to normal and then he looks at Mr davenport with a smile on his face while the other two boys look at chase with jealousy on there face's.

Diana: Cause I'm stressed out and I need him.I want him for the rest of the day

Mr davenport: sure sweety i don't think chase will mind. (smiles)
Chase: (smiles at Diana) i don't mind at all i'll help you relax no problem.
Kaz and Olivers mouths drop to the floor and there eyes go wide at what they heard and Yell: what about us ?!
Mr davenport: (looks at them) i still need You Two here!
Kaz and Oliver: okay.
the girls and chase laugh at that.

Diana: *smiles and pulls Chase in a tight hug* I'm really stressed out and I miss u. I want to spend some time with u. U have been wayyyyy to much time in this lab and I'm getting a bit jealouse

chase: (hugs her back tightly) i'll help you relax and you don't need to be jealous at all if you want to spend time with me just ask me. i will always have time for you and i'll spend as much time with you and for as long as you want. (smiles and kisses her cheeks)
Bree and Skyler giggle at that while Kaz and Oliver look at chase with wide eyes and a open mouth.

Diana: I want u to stop working till next Monday

chase: (looks at Mr davenport) will you be able to to work without me for a week ?
Mr davenport: of course chase. you can spend as mush time with my daughter as you want, besides i'll let Kaz and Oliver work a lot harder (sends him a wink)
Kaz and Oliver: HEY!!!
Chase: (laughs and nods his head) okay then.
Skyler: so it settled.
Bree: chase you have to spend a week with Dani.
Chase: sure, with a lot of pleasure. (sends a wink to Diana)
Skyler and Bree look at each other then they say in union: thought so.

Diana: YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES *jumps up and down in happiness, skips in Chase's arms and kisses his cheek oevr and over again, non stop and kisses the rest of his face, covering him in lip stick stains*

chase smiles from ear to ear and blushes a dark red and holds her tightly so she doesn't hurt herself while the girl giggle and Kaz and Oliver glare at chase because its him that Diana will spend time with.

Diana: Chase?

chase: yes Diana ?

Diana: When was the last time I told u how much I love u?

chase: well it was on a day when i spend time with you and listened and helped you. i think that was the last time when you told me. (smiles gently) why ?

Diana: Because I feel like I want to melt in ur arms. I love u sooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I want to be with u very badlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

chase: (smiles) then you'll be even more happy when i tell you that i'm not planning on ever letting you go because you mean the world to me and i would give my life if it would mean saving yours because i love you a lot and i always have ever sins the day i met you.
Skyler, Bree and Mr davenport: aww how sweet ♥
Kaz and Oliver: WHAT ?!!!!

Diana: If i ever end up marring u that will make me the happiest woman alive

chase: you can count on that my love, i will make you the happiest woman alive (smiles and hugs her tight)
Skyler and Bree: aww cute♥
Oliver: not so fast chase.
after that Both Kaz and Oliver glare and look angry at chase.

Diana: And I will make u the happiest man alive. Wild and happy *says as she pulls him in a deep, hot, loving but passionate kiss*

chase kisses back just as deep, loving but passionate as Diana while chase does that Skyler hits Oliver on the back of his head and Bree hits Kaz on the back of his head and shake there heads at them.
Skyler: you idiots, just give up will you.
Bree: Sky is right Diana only loves chase and not one of you two.
Skyler: so don't try anything to break them up.
Bree: (nods) because otherwise your gonna regret it.
Chase: (pulls away from the kiss and keeps his arms wrapped around Diana) i think they get it Bree but just to be sure they do get it. (looks at Kaz and Oliver with narrowed eyes) don't you two EVER come between me and Diana or your gonna regret ever being born GOT IT ?!
Kaz and Oliver nods there heads a bit in fear and say in union: We wont we promise.
Chase: (smiles) good (then places his lips back on Diana's and kisses her lovingly) 

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