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~~ Gryffindor common room ~~

Hermione enters the room with Ron and Harry. They had Charms and Hermione has a lot of homework to do and she holps her best friend will help her not knowing he already has other stuff planed for the day. When Hermione, Harry and Ron come in Chase is already there with Bree, Adam, Leo and Diana
Chase is working on homework with Diana while helping her for the things she didn't understand herself while Adam, Bree and Leo talk about Mr. Davenport's up coming bday party and the gift they will get him
Hermione walks up to them with Ron and Harry and sits down besides chase who's helping Diana while harry and Ron go to Adam,Bree and Leo.
Harry: hey guys.
Bree: hey Harry, hey Ron.
Adam: hey Harry and Ron.
Hermione: hello chase.
chase: (looks at her) hey Hermione.
Hermione: i was wondering if you could help me with something.
chase: i would but i cant i'm helping Diana right now. she has a test coming up and i wanted to help her out.
Hermione: oh okay i understand. (smiles sweetly then walks over to Adam,Bree,Leo,Harry and Ron with a sad look in her eyes )
Ron: What's wrong Hermione?
Leo: Yeah, why the long face?
Diana: Thank u for everything Chase. U are the best *says as she hugs him tight and kisses his cheek several times*
Hermione: i was hoping that chase could help me with my homework but he's helping Diana.
chase: (hugs Diana back and blushes a very faint red) no problem Diana. (smiles) hey do you think you have time for me today ?
Diana: Of course I do. I have nothing to do today anyway. Why do u ask? You miss spending time with me? *smiles and winks*
chase: glad to hear. i just want to spend the day with you sins i haven't spend much time with you sins the school year began and i do miss spending time with you.
Adam: (says to Hermione) it looks like he's done helping her.
Harry: why not try asking him again ?
Hermione: good idea Harry (smiles and goes to Diana and chase) hey chase can i ask you something ?
chase: sure go ahead.
Hermione: could you help me with my homework i have like a lot of it and i could use some help.
chase: sorry Hermione, i want to but i'm spending time with Diana today sins we haven't sins school started.
Hermione: oh okay (smiles sweetly)
chase: why don't you try asking Harry? i'm sure he'll want to help you.
Hermione: sure. thank you chase. (kisses his cheek the runs back to the others with a small smile on her face)
Diana gasps quitly and frowns at what Hermione did. Some tears come to her face so she gets up and tuns out of the room, before anyone can understand what happened
Bree: (looks at Diana as she runs away knowing why then walks over to chase with a worried expression on her face) chase i need to talk to you.
chase: oh sure Bree whats wrong ?
Bree: do you know why Diana ran out ?
Chase: (a frown comes on his face) no i don't understand. why did she just ran off like that ?
Bree: i know it and i'll tell you. the reason that she ran was because of the kiss Hermione gave you when she did that Diana feels sad, pain and hurt.
chase: what ?
Bree: (sighs) Diana has feelings for you chase.
chase: (his eyes go wide in shock) what ?! she has feelings for me.
Bree: (nods) now stop standing here and go after her chase.
chase: your right but were would she run to ?
Bree: she's probably by the black lake. now GO!
chase nods and with a little push in the back by Bree he runs off as fast as he can to the black lake.
Diana is sitting down crying under a tree in her father's arms, hugging him and hiding her face in his chest
Diana: *repeats as she cries* i hate her ... i hate her ... i hate her ... i hate her
Mr davenport: (hugs her back and try's to calm her as good as he can) oh sweety. (kisses the top of her head) i hate seeing you like this.
at that moment chase arrives at the black lake breathing heavily as his eyes search for Diana.
Mr davenport: (hears someone and looks up and sees chase) hey sweety, it looks like someone came looking for you.
Diana: *repeats as she cries* I don't care ... I don't care ... I don't care ... I don't care ...
Mr davenport: oh sweety.
chase's eyes finally land on Diana and he's sees that Mr davenport is with her and runs to them when he gets there Mr davenport nods and they swishes places with him so that chase is now hugging her without Diana knowing or realizing it and Mr davenport stands beside them.
chase: (hugs her tightly and strokes her back in a comforting way) hey, who dared to make you my beautiful princess upset like this they will pay dearly for it. (speaks with a soft and caring voice)
As soon as Diana realizes its Chase she hugs him even tighter and hides her face in his neck as she continues to cry
Diana: ... Ohh Chase ... *says while crying*
chase: (smiles gently and hugs her tightly back and keeps comforting her) hey its okay Angel i'm right here and i'm not gonna leave until you feel better or until you tell me to. i did tell you that i would spend the day with you di
dn't i and that is just what i'm gonna do. (kisses both her cheeks lovingly)
Diana: I don't want u to leave me Chase. Pleasee don't. I love u *says as she looks at him in the eyes*
chase: i will never leave you, i promise you that Angel because i love you two (kisses her lips with love)
Diana: *kisses him back just as lovingly*
The two make out untill late hours when Chase goes back to the common room with Diana asleep in his arms.
Just as he enters everyone notice and want to ask him what happened but he just motions up stair and Adam, Bree and Leo just nod knowing what he means as he whispers a 'Goodnight' and leaves the room with his lover in his arms
Ron: What did Chase motion to u?
Leo: That he is going to spend the night with Diana. Seeing how he is holding her, I doubt he wants to let her go
Bree and Adam nod in agreement
Harry: why ?
Adam: if you haven't noticed how he was holding Diana and the look that is on his face then allow us to tell you that
Bree: (continues were Adam left off) chase just got what his heart wanted the most.

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