Chapter 1: The Company

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Hello! Surprise, surprise, I'm not dead! I mean, on the inside, but not physically. Anyway, enjoy this chapter! I'm sorry it took so long.

Italicized and underlined sentences are translations from Elvish.

Edit: sorry for the two updates (if you get notifications for them) just making some changes to the chapter


To say that Hanna had a long day would've been an understatement. She had an incredibly long day, but it wasn't one that made one want to curl up in a ball and never come out, no. Instead, it was a long day in the sense that it was relaxing, filled with fun little things that brought her joy such as helping an elderly hobbit with his garden, going to the market, and spending time with her close friend.

Despite the long day, it was still fun, something she needed after not having anything to do other than work on her and Bilbo's garden or read for sixty years. Now, she planned on returning to her hobbit hole and having a nice cup of tea, but what heroes want never happens, now do they?

Anna pushed the wooden gate open and stepped through before once again shutting it. She adjusted the bags in her arms before looking up, her brows furrowing at the marks that were etched into the circular green door leading to her house. They were the dwarvish runes for 'B', 'D', and diamonds. Why on earth would Bilbo get those etched into their door? And without telling her.

She shook her head, walking up to the door and pushing it open, only to be met with an odd sight. And odd sounds. Upon entering, her eyes immediately found the thirteen cloaks that hung up on the coat racks, piles of weapons- dwarvish weapons -laying underneath in semi-neat piles. The next thing she noticed was the sounds of talking coming from the dining room. She frowned.

"Bilbo? Bilbo, are there people over?" she called, gently setting down the bags she was carrying and shrugging off her own cloak. Hearing no reply, she frowned again and started making her way toward the dining room, her hand hovering over the dagger hidden beneath her belt.

"Nope." Finally came, at least what she had thought was, a reply. She blinked in confusion, why would he say nope when there clearly were people-? She was brought out of her thoughts as a loud thud echoed through the house. She rushed towards where the noise had come from, gasping when she saw Bilbo laying on the floor, clearly having just passed out. Standing over him was a tall man, with gray hair and a beard of a similar color, who was scolding one of the many dwarves who were currently in her dining room. She rushed forward and pushed the man, ignoring the confused shouts from the other people in the room, her attention solely focused on Bilbo.

"Bilbo!" She called, lightly tapping his face, trying to get him to wake up. No movement came from the Hobbit, so she decided to use more... extreme methods. "Bilbo!" She called again, this time much louder, borderline yelling, directly next to his ear. Said hobbit jerked, his eyes fluttering open, looking at Hanna's face in confusion.

"Anna?" He asked, confusion dancing along his face.

"Yeah, I'm here, Bilbo," she muttered reassuringly, helping him sit up.

"What... I thought you were out with Natalie?" he asked rubbing his head, as if trying to soothe a headache, which, to be fair, he probably was. The female nodded, her eyes catching onto a large piece of parchment laying next to him.

"I was, but I was tired" she explained, reaching over and grabbing it. "What is this? 'Conditions of Engagement?'"

Bilbo sighed, waving it off. "It's nothing. Just some quest thing."

"Quest? Who in their right mind would ask you of all people to join a quest?" she blanched. Bilbo was the most Hobbitest of Hobbits! To think he would ever go on an adventure is absurd. She stiffened, as a deep voice spoke from behind her.

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