THW 10

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Astrid's Pov


Nilibot ko ang aking tingin but all I can see is white.

Wait...AM I DEAD?!


Humawak-hawak pa ako sa ulo't katawan ko ngunit walang bakas ng dugo ang itim kong damit


A familiar voice appeared dahilan upang igala ko ang aking tingin sa paligid.Mula sa malayo I can see that someone is standing there.

He's wearing a white suit and white pants.Even it's too blur to see his whole face,I know he's smiling at me.

Unti-unti akong lumapit and I can feel that my heartbeats start racing it's like I'm nervous to something.Para akong maiiyak na ewan.

Unti-unting lumiwanag ang paningin ko then my eyes slowly widened in surprise when I saw who's calling me.

"DAD!"tears started to roll down on my cheeks.I ran to hug him tight and he hugged me back.

"I want to go with you Dad!ayoko na pong bumalik"he sweetly raised his both eyebrows while touching my head.

"Not yet,my sweety"sabi nito habang umiiling-iling.

"Not yet?so kukunin mo nga ako?"natawa nalang ito saakin before kissing my forehead.

"May mga bagay talagang hindi pa dapat mangyari sweety...hindi mo pa oras"napakunot ako ng noo before looking at him.

"Eh?then why am I here?"

Lumagpas ito saakin habang taas noong nakatingin sa liwanag.

"Maybe because you need my help?"

"Help?I mean yeah I need it I want you to get me"

"It is not a help Astrid... it is your wants.You need to be an open minded person.I'm always watching you... it hurts me everytime that you're hurting someone,you're crying while calling me,when you're being a heartless Astrid..."

"It's because---"

"You need to set yourself free from the past,Astrid"

"...and change yourself... I'm not there anymore"

"You're not going with me?"

"If I can...I will...but no"

"D-dad...please!please go home..."

"This is the last time Astrid,You know that I love you very much"he touch my cheeks smiling at me bitterly.

"Dad sige na umuwi na tayo...please?"

Nagsimula akong humikbi ng sunod-sunod while begging him to go home.Lumuhod ako while holding his hand but he's just shooking his head.

"Dad...sige na..."Lumuhod sya upang yakapin ako pabalik.

"It's your chance to make everything right Astrid..."my black dress is turning white while he's disappearing infront of me.He mouthed at me that he love me before he leave.

"Dad!!no!no please!"

"DAD!"napabalikwas ako sa higaan then I suddenly hold my left arm na biglang sumakit.I started to cry quietly while covering my face.

"I want to go back..."


Someone is snoring infront of me.Napatingin ako sa orasan and it's 3:00 am.I take a glance to a guy who's sleeping while holding my hand that I slowly removed.

#1:That Heartless Woman (Y.JW)Where stories live. Discover now