THW 16

30 4 0

Astrid's Pov

When they left,my mom gaze at me before carrying Maeumi the dog I gave to Jungwon.

"Why are you still here?"she sat on my bed while I'm lying down.

"I think everyone is mad at me.Did you tell them that I'm a disrespectful daughter of yours?"she suddenly stop caressing Maeumi's head then glance at me.

"You know that I can't do that because you're my heart,right?"I sit while looking up to her.

"Why should I believe in you?"

She was so stunned that she couldn't speak as I stood up.

"Why are you thinking like that Astrid? ofcourse----"

"Did you know that I'm just forcing myself to not hurt somebody?It doesn't mean that I forgive you"


"You can now get out"


"Should I follow Sunghoon for being a star theater actor for being good at this?"she started to tear up then stand up and was about to hold the door knob.

"I-im just kidding"

She turned to me then suddenly smiled sweetly walking towards me to hug me tightly.

I just experienced this feeling again na kay dad ko lang lagi natatanggap noon.

I stared to dad's photo framed na nakangiti habang katabi kaming tatlo.

I just realized that they're giving me all of their attentions.Especially Estella and....Jungwon....

Sunghoon's Pov

"Ayan na! Ayan na!"







"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!WOOOOOOHH"hiyawan ng lahat kasabay ng pag-ihip namin sa torotot?torotot ba yon?

"Yes naman!we met sparklers again!"

"How about this?"they firecrackers na ngayon ko lang nakita.Ni-Ki started to place the crackers between our two fountain lumayo kami doon matapos niyang sindihan iyon.

Jungwon wear a facemask dahil sa amoy and I can see that he's still smiling.

"Ang gandaaaa!!"Estella said pointing other fireworks.

I accidentally turn my gaze on Jay who's staring on my sister who's slightly smiling at the sky full of different colors of fireworks while crossing her arms while Jungwon is staring at Estella na humihiyaw sa tuwa.

"That was...weird..."


"Salamat Vhallerie for inviting us here.You really made our day!"

Nics said thanking my mom obviously right?

"Ni-ki..."I heard Astrid's voice so i take a glance on their place then I saw Astrid giving something to Ni-ki.

"H-ha?"he awkwardly replied.He hesitate at first but end up holding it then he opened.It's a small box full of poster paints,a different sizes of brushes and painting papers then Astrid left without leaving a word to Ni-ki.She left Ni-Ki speechless watching her walking upstairs.

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