ch 2 - slytherin born

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I stepped into the amazing huge great hall filled with candles and people everywhere. I walk to join the first years for the sorting ceremony.

I ignore all the eyes on me and knowing the power I hold, I hold my head and little bit higher and sway my hips a little bit more as I strut through the hall with a smirk plastered on my face. I hear gasps and whispers fill the  the hall.

I glance over to the Slytherin table where I will be sitting in a couple of minutes. Many grins from people who recognise my royalty.

"Zoe Peverell" dumbledore calls my name and a hush goes over the hall. I step upto the chair in the centre of the room and take a sit the hat doesn't even touch my head before screaming Slytherin. My table goes up in a roar of cheers. I smirk walking swiftly over to the table. I plonk myself down between two girls.

They look like reasonable girls both with long hair tied up and pretty faces, they introduce themselves as Daphne Greengrass and Valentina Francesco.  We start to talk and get aquatinted with eachother.

"Omg I've heard your family owns three of the deepest vaults at gringotts full of gold?!" Daphne exclaimed.

"Yeah we do" I shrugged it off like no big deal. I feel a particular set of eyes staring at my from across the table I look over to the blonde boy and he smirks winking at me. I scoff and enjoy the rest of the meal.

Daph, Val and I head down to the dungeons to the girls dorms where a set of emerald green robes and pajamas await me. However my mother made me my own emerald green nightwear a lot more comfortable and stylish.

I put on my green nightie that fits my figure well and only just covers my bum. And slip my green slippers on with little bows on the front. I let my hair down and begin to do my skincare routine. The other girls do the same and we all head out into the common room wear the boys say talking away.

Until they saw us walk out, their jaws dropped and eyes bulged out of their skulls

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Until they saw us walk out, their jaws dropped and eyes bulged out of their skulls.

"What's the matter boys, never seen a girl before?" I teased rolling my eyes. As I shivered I know for a fact my nipples were showing and I could feel everyone staring. I look up and the boys look away. I chuckle.

"Hey let's just play a good old game of truth or dare" Parkinson suggested. Everyone mutually agreed and we gathered around, I assumed a comfy spot on the ground near the fire place.

"Daphne truth or dare" pansy grinned.

"Dare" she said lamely.

"I dare you to flash your underwear for us all to see" he laughed evilly, a blush spread upon Daphne's face as pulled down her pajama pants. She was wearing these tiny black bikini style undies and that showed off her bum magnificently. Some of the boys cheered and whistled as she sat down.

"Blaise truth or dare" Daphne laughed.

"Dare" he looked nervous.

"I dare you to kiss pansy on the lips" I bit my tongue holding a laugh back. The pair look absolutely mortified and begrudgingly locked lips. We all Burst out laugh as the two separated just as quickly as they kissed.

"Draco, truth or dare" Blaise shuddered still processing the kiss.

"Truth" Draco smirked at the glare Blaise gave him.

"Who has the biggest dick out our group here" Blaise smirked evilly. Everyone's jaws dropped at the sudden intensity of the game.

"Mine obviously" draco grinned confidently as he crossed gazes with me. Neither one of us breaking contact. I feel my face heat up.

"No way it's definitely mine" Theodore Nott protested.

"Shove off yours is tiny!" Crabbe hit Theo in his arm. Draco and I were still locked intensely in our stare off.

"How about you guys show us and we can be the judges of that" my lip curled up into a evil grin, that all shut them up and their discussion was lost.

"How bout you then Zoe," Draco glared," truth or dare".

"Dare" I said almost immediately with confidence. The Slytherin in me wouldn't let me sound weak.

"I dare you to kiss Daphne" he said sneering thinking I wouldn't do it.

"Ok" I shrugged and crawled over to Daphne, her face blushing a deep red and smiling nervously, i leant in slowly and gave her a small sweet peck on the lips. We giggle to each-other afterwards.

"Whatever" Draco sneers crossing his arms like he was a sulking child. He had a small pink blush on his cheeks and a small bulge in his trousers I smiled in silent victory.

The game continued on like this for a few hours yet everyone slowly growing more bored and more sick of the game.

I took this time to take in the appearance of the blonde boy across from me. He was wearing his Slytherin robes is a loose and disheveled manner, he looked relaxed and stretched out rather like a lion lazing about. He bit his lip in concentration as he was focused on what the group was doing.

I looked over to Valentina and Blaise locking lips and they were really going at it. I joined in the cheering and laughing with the rest of the group. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all.

The rest of the night calms down and everyone starts leaving for bed one by one. I was the first I wanted to send my letters to my friends I had written earlier.

"Here you go Marshall" I handed the letters over and off he flew. I smiled as he disappeared quickly into the silent night.

I lay down in my bed closing my eyes. If there's one thing you should know about me, I love to get my beauty sleep.

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