ch 7 -sucks to be a malfoy

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We all sat our tables for breakfast which had been replaced earlier this morning. Many of the Slytherins looked groggy and had big bags underneath their eyes as if they didn't catch a wink of sleep. God I can't believe we had to sleep on the floor like peasants. Disgusting.

"Who the fuck thought it was a brilliant idea to let us sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag" Blaise grumbled obviously in a bad mood.

"I had the worst sleep ever!" Theo scowled.

"My mother would absolutely kill me if she ever found out that I slept like on the floor like a peasant"  I agreed.

"It's such a shame I had an amazing sleep" Malfoy smirked at me in amusement. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.

We grumpily continue to mumble and insult the school until our first lesson of the day DADA. We make our way back down to the dungeons.

Valentina and Daphne grasp one of my arms each and pull me off to the classroom.

"Come on Zozo!!" They giggle. I skipped along with them laughing my head off at the silliness. We all together in a row of three.

We watched as Malfoy and his friends waltzed in, I looked over as I locked eyes with him, his silver ones staring into my own.

He looked as if he was trying to come up with a reason to insult me instead just proceeding to sit down and joke around with Blaise and Theo.

"Omg did you see the look Malfoy gave you?!" Daphne gasped!! Her brown eyes widened.

"Yeah have you not seen the way he looks at her and how extra cocky he gets?, he's totally got a thing for you! Zo" Valentina ranted.

"Guys guys," I laughed," we are just fake dating so that Pansy leaves him alone and then we're back to arguing all the time Ok" I smiled amused by their assumptions.

"You sure girl? He does not look like he's pretending to like you" Daphne said whilst inspecting her freshly emerald polished nails.

"110% Daph" I say as we all glance over at the boys and the blonde who is staring at us currently with a scowl on his face.

Suddenly Snape bursts through the doors flicking his  wand at the blinds as he storms to the front of the classroom. He looks very displeased.

He pulls a string a a projector screen comes down.

" turn to page 394" he says curtly.

We all open our books quietly. No one dares to speak up. I share a confused glance with the girls.

" excuse me sir where is Professor Lupin?" Potter asks quietly. I roll my eyes what an idiot. Snapes head snaps towards the black haired boy.

"That's not really your concern is it potter?," he pauses for a brief moment," suffice it to say your professor finds him self in capable of teaching at the present time" he says as he stalks around the classroom.

"Turn to page 394." He says once again. Tapping the projector. A brilliant display was lit up on the screen for us.

"Werewolves?" The pathetic voice of Weasley breaks the silence.

"Sir, we just begun learning about red caps and hinky punks, we're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks-"

"Quiet!" I hear the annoyance growing in his voice as he shuts the know it all mud blood up. God why can't she ever keep her mouth shut. Daph rolled her eyes at me. I stifled a giggle.

"now which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"

"No one" he says still not turning around, "how disappointing" he drawls.

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