ch 3 - sorry darling

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I woke up to the chatter of girls getting ready and the chirping of birds happy flying around. I stretched and yawned as I sat up in bed. I looked around at the fully dressed girls all neat and presentable.

Daphne turned to me," morning sleeping beauty" she and Valentina laughed their heads off.

"Morning" I mumbled, "what time is it?" I climbed out of bed and looked out the window.

"Time for breakfast if you don't hurry you'll be late to divination class" Valentina smiled.

"Oh crap really?". I hurried around finding my robes and pulling them on making sure to look as stylish as possible. Waving my wand to tailor my robes to be the perfect fit for my figure. I put my hair up and applied some quick makeup. I looked in the mirror happy with my appearance. Finally spritzing myself with an expensive perfume my mother bought me.

I grabbed my bag and all my books and rushed downstairs to the common room where most had already left.

I ran down stairs into the great hall and sat next to Blaise this time.

"Morning, someone slept in" he laughed.

"No shit" I said back shovelling some fruit and eggs and toast onto my plate with a glass of pumpkin juice to wash it down.

"Ahh the new girl is awake" Draco sneers. As he sits down in front of me. Plopping his plate down and forking a mouthful in.

"Obviously, I'm sitting here ARENT I?" I looked at him with an unamused expression. Rolling my eyes I scanned over my time table.

"Anyway how do you like the school so far?" Valentina asked me chirpily.

"Yeah look," I looked at all of them scanning the thirteen year olds in front of me,"it's not bad," I pulled my best not bad face.

The bell ring and we all knew it was time for our first class.

"Omg I'm going to be late!" I said with wide eyes and sped off leaving the others in my dust. I hurried to divination. There was no way I was going to let these losers ruin my high grades.

I sit down at my own desk in the front of the class as this crazy lunatic of a woman with glasses and crazy curly hair that went everywhere starting speaking.

" welcome my children", " in this room, you shall explore the noble art  of divination. in this room, you shall discover if you possess the sight." She said in a ever growing voice as if she was telling us a scary story. I tried to stile my laughs and she nearly knocked something off her desk.

" hello, I am Professor Trelawney, together we shall cast ourselves into the future" she said introducing herself and waving her hands around. What a fool I screwed my face up.

"She's absolutely mad" someone whispered into my ear. I look over and it was of course the blonde haired git malfoy. I ignore him and listen to her as she explains the term.

" this term, we will focus on to Tasseomancy, the art of reading tea leaves" I coughed hiding my displeasure.

" so please take the cup of the person sitting opposite to you" she instructed. Draco sat himself gladly at my table with a smirk. I flipped him off.

We swap cups and he looks into mine with a concerned expression.

"Looks like you will be having a lot of badluck in the future, that's no good for you princess" he pouted at me.

"And yours says you'll be an arrogant asshole for the rest of your life, that's no good for you princess" I poured back mocking him. He frowned at me in distaste. Happy enough with my victory I turned away to watch the rest of the class deal with Professor Trelawny.

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