ch 4 - boggarts

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I crossed my arms as I was pulled to the back of the line among the rest of the Slytherins who shoved everyone else forward. It has been a two weeks since my fiasco with Malfoy and to say the least we were in constant battles taunting and teasing eachother. One might even go so far as to assume we liked each other. Ew and double Ew. I gagged at the idea of that.

His greasy blonde mop and a permanent sneer were exactly what I wasn't looking for in a boyfriend.

We were all lined up in front of a tall wardrobe with a mirror on the front and brown wooden borders. It shook around like something inside was trying to escape. The banging noise getting slightly more frequent causing the wardrobe to lean from leg to leg.

"Intriguing isn't it" professer lupin spoke softly,"anyone want to venture a guest as to what is inside?" He asked.

A lanky dark skinned Gryffindor by the name Dean Thomas spoke "that's a bogart that is".

"That is correct Thomas! Good job". I rolled my eyes that was a simpletons question. Quite obviously a boggart.

"Now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?" He raised a brow.

"No one knows, boggarts are shape shifters, they take shape of whatever the particular person fears the most and that's what makes them so-" lupin cut off Granger mid sentence. Thank Merlin for that. God she's such an annoying know it all.

"So Terrifying yes, yes, yes" the wardrobe kept rattling around. " luckily there is a very simple charm to repel a boggart, let's practice it now, without wands please" he motioned.

"Now after me, Riddikulus!" He said.

"Riddikulus" the class chanted.

"Very good! A little louder very clear Riddikulus!!" He said again.


"This class is ridiculous" I heard Malfoy complain behind me.

"Your whining is ridiculous! Shut up" I rolled my eyes at him. I heard him scoff.

"Well done so much for the easy part hey, see the incantation is not enough alone, what really finishes a boggart is laughter! You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing, let me explain Neville would you join me please" he waved the boy up.

"Neville what frightens you most of all?" he asks.

"Professor sna.." he trailed off nervously. Oh my Slazar what a whimp.


"Professor snape" he said more clear this time. Lupin chuckled.

"Yes professor snape frightens all, I believe you live with your grandmother?"

"Yes! But I don't want it to turn into her either" Longbottom said quickly.

"No, it won't, I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes very Cleary in your mind".

"She carries a red handbag-"

"We don't need to hear it, as long as it's in your mind we will see it now when I open that wardrobe here's what I want you to do" he continues to whisper in longbottoms ear.

"Wand at the ready! 1... 2... 3.." Lupin flicked the wardrobe doors open and snape appeared to be walking out glaring at the small boy.

"Riddikulus!" He said snape suddenly wearing old womens clothes. Everyone erupted in laughter. It was pretty hilarious I admitted.

"Alright next person up!" Lupin laughed playing funny music. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all I laughed. That was until potter freaked out and class was cut short. Great. I rolled my eyes. This school is full of whimps.

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