ch 5 - hogsmeade

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"Come on Zoe wake up!!" You were rudely awakened by someone shaking you. You opened you eyes to see Valentina staring above you, a giant smile on her face.

"We get to go to hogsmeade today!" She squealed.

"Omg wait that's today?!" You squealed sharing her excitement.

You climbed out of bed and shoved on some clothes as you were incredibly excited. You donned your favourite pair of baggy ripped jeans, a black bralette and a green plaid long sleeve button up. You left the plaid shirt unbuttoned for more style. You began to put on your black canvas shoes and tie up the laces.

Once you had applied a small amount of makeup and brushed your hair you knew you were ready. Grabbing your handbag you and the other Slytherin girls raced down the hall to the courtyard.

Professor McGonagall was doing the head count and approving signatures. She looked yours over and put it handed it back checking off a box on her list.

You and the girls smiled to eachother as you made you way to Hogsmeade.

"What's the first thing you girls wanna do when we get there?!" Daphne exclaimed.

"Get butter beers at the three broomsticks?" Valentina suggested.

"I've heard honey dukes has the best candies and chocolates!" Bulstrode said. She was a rather large girl with a rather sweet tooth.

"Omg yes! And we can go to Gladrags and get some cute clothes!" Pansy shouted.

"I'd like to see Zonkos joke shop" you shrugged, you really didn't care where you went you had all year to see everything.

You all ended up deciding to get butter beers at the three broomsticks, you found yourself at a large table in the back of the pub.

""5 butter beers girls" a man put the drinks on the table. They were tall beer glasses full of a sweet warm liquid.

"Thank you" you all chimed giggling at the man as he walked away.

"So who's excited for the next quidditch match coming up? Slytherin versus Gryffindor?" Daphne asked.

"Surely we will win, I mean look at Draco! He's the best seeker ever!" Pug face said dreamily. She's seriously obsessed.

"I hope we win" I spoke up taking a long sip of my beer. The warm liquid making it way into my stomach.

I watch the door open as the small bell above it rung, three Slytherin boys walk in. And to my luck they happen to be Malfoy, Nott and Adrian pucey a Slytherin 5th year. I scoffed watching them strut over to our table.

We all looked to the boys who had wide grins on their faces. Some of the girls said hi in a rather annoying flirty voice trying to catch the attention of them.

"Ladies ladies settle down there's plenty of me to go around" Pucey chuckled taking a seat across from me between Daphne and Valentina. Malfoy obviously sat next to Pansy at the end of the table and Nott next to myself.

He slung his rather gangly long arm over my shoulders earning a glare from Malfoy in which he decided to remove his arm. I giggled. Someone's jealous.

We sat there for hours talking about Christmas holidays and what everyone was doing.

"So Malfoy are your parents having a Christmas party this year?" Pansy asked.

"Of course! We are, and father said I could invite some friends over to our holiday house and stay for the weekend" he smirked obviously feeling very important.

"And what about you Peverell? Do your family do anything special" pug face turned to me.

"Obviously," I rolled my eyes at the stupid girl,"my parents are having a winter ball and we are going to sail on our yacht in the Caribbean ocean" I smirked knowing I had just wowed everyone.

"Wait really?" Daphne asked in awe.

"Of course? We do it every year for the holidays, what can I say my family loves luxury" I shrug as if it's not a big deal. To my family it wasn't but I know to others it was.

"Of course you do, you're a spoilt brat Peverell" Malfoy sneered.

"I'm the Slytherin princess how do you think I got that name?" I looked at him like he was stupid. His mouth opened to say something but I bet him to it,"it certainly wasn't by being poor" I stood up finishing my butter beer.

"If anyone wants to join me at Zonkos joke shop I'm leaving now" I said walking out not a card in the world.

I took in a deep breathe of fresh air and followed the road to Zonkos. I approached the store and before I could go inside I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Valentina, she was about to burst out into laughter.

"What's is it?" I asked chuckling. It must be funny.

"Omg you should've seen Malfoys face!!" She finally burst now doubled over clutching her stomach as he laughed heartily.

"Why what did he do?" I grinned.

"So as soon as you turned around and left he was blushing so hard like he was embarrassed and then Pansy asked him what was wrong and touched his face and he told her 'fuck off pug face stop acting like we're dating' and I swear to Merlin, shit went down in there" Valentina explained to me now calmed down. I looked at her and just burst out in my own fit of laughter. What a joke these Slytherins are sometimes.

"Shall we?" I pointed to the door wiping a single tear from my eye.

"Of course!" Tina pushed the door open and we looked around.

"There's so much cool stuff!" I gasped in awe.

The rest of our afternoon was spent browsing the stores before heading back to the castle for dinner.

Tina and I plopped down on the bench across from Daphne, Adrian and Eric. They were two fifth years Daphne was trying to convince to do her homework for her. Eventually Malfoy and his goons took a seat across from us next to the fifth year boys.

I piled up my mash potatoes and chicken onto my plate feeling rather peckish today. I spooned a mouthful of mash into my mouth feeling absolute heaven.

"This mash potato is so good" I moaned.

"Geez save it for the bedroom Peverell" Daphne joked. I have her a playful glare.

" you need to save it for the bedroom, all I can hear is you flirting over there" I pretended to gag. And my glare was returned. I laughed. She was a crack up.

"Psst" I felt Val tap my shoulder. I look at her and she whispers in my ear"Malfoy can't keep his eyes off you". She bites her lip holding back a shit eating grin. I slyly look at the blonde boy who's eyes are now glued to me. Wandering up and down and he seems to not notice he's at a table full of people who can see him.

"Having a good look at me Malfoy are you?" I smirked. His eyes widen in slight horror that he's been caught and confronted. And his cheeks go a slight shade of red.

"Of course not! Only observing how much of a Slut you are" he rolled his eyes looking down at his food.

"Sure that's why your blushing" i snap back. He didn't say another word after that.

Boys huh, can't believe girls even like this kid.

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