ch 11 - detention

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Friday came by quicker than usual. The bell rung loudly and we were dismissed from our class. I bid goodbye to the girls and head down to the dungeons to find Professor Snape for detention.

I eventually arrive at the classroom and push the door open. I see Snapes head lift to scan for one of us and then back down to his paperwork.

"Take a seat Miss Peverell" he instructed. I could hear a faint hint of venom in his voice.

"Yes sir" I say as I quickly rush over to a desk in the middle of the room and place my bag on the floor and my butt on the seat.

I look to the small black clock hanging above the wooden doors, 6:00pm exactly and Malfoy still wasn't here. Yikes. Sucks to be him I internally chuckled.

Five long silent minutes filled by the scratching of Snapes quill and finally the door burst open with a disheveled sweaty Malfoy at the door.

He takes the seat directly across from mine and hurriedly apologises.

"Sorry I'm late professor"

"Don't let it happen again Mister Malfoy" he said unamused.

"I do not have all night" he stood up looking down at the both of us.

"So I assume that perhaps you and Miss Peverell would like to keep your after school activities to more suitable hours and not after curfew, however if I catch you two again it will be a months detention and you will be hand scrubbing all my cauldrons until they are clean" he said looking us dead in the eyes.

"Yes professor" we both chimed.

"Now for tonight I would like you to both hand clean the desks and the floors, everything you will need is in the broom closet over there and I will be needing your wands" he put his palm out. I reluctantly handed over my wand. As did Malfoy.

"I'll be back in the hour, if it is not done you'll be staying here longer" and with that the tall dark haired man took off.

I leant against my palm, the thought of cleaning by hand like a peasant disgusted me. How slave like.

I looked around at the stone walls and the stone floors, they were absolutely filthy. I wanted to throw up at the thought. I am a peverell and I do not do slave work.

"Alright hurry up Malfoy" I snap looking to the blonde boy. His jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?! You expect me to do all this? Your a piece of work you know that" he folded his arms in a huff.

"Well sorry to break it to ya but I don't do slave work" I crossed my arms putting my feet atop the desk and giving him an icy stare.

"Well what do you suppose we do then huh?!" He snapped. I squint my eyes hard trying to decipher what was going on on his head.

"You heard me clean" putting my nose on the air I continued, "you wouldn't want me to break a nail would you". A small smirk appeared on my lips.

"Puh-lease I don't want to do this anymore than you do, so grow the hell up!"

"And stop being a bloody cow, Merlin knows you'll be the death of me" he slammed his head on the desk slowly pealing himself from the chair and grabbing a broom.

He started to pathetically sweep the classroom. His lily livered attempts were getting us nowhere.

"For Merlin's sake do I have to do everything around here!" I scoffed slamming a fist on the desk. I stormed out of the room. I could hear Malfoys protest and he followed me out and into the hall.

Perfect, I thought. A short hufflepuff boy was slowly dawdling towards us. I ran over to him.

"Hey you" I stopped in front of him, "I need to use your wand quickly" I put my hand out. He just looked at me like I was crazy.

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