ch 13 - oops

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Val, Daph and I sat on the water fountain outside the doors of the castle. We were talking about what we were going to do for the summer holidays.

Daphne was braiding Vals beautiful blonde hair. I played with my own, brushing my fingers through it subconsciously.

"Hey Malfoys staring at you again" Val whispered to me secretively.

I glanced over at the group of Slytherins. She was right, Malfoy was indeed staring at me and looked away with a small blush when I caught him.

I smirked. The "pug face" Parkinson was hovering around him like a fly. Putting her grubby mitts all over his robes trying to get his attention. I rolled my eyes in disgust. What an pathetic bitch.

Crabbe, Goyle and Nott stood there oblivious to the fact that me and my friends were now glaring at them. Malfoy caught us glaring this time and decided to stroll right on over.

"Still can't keep you're eyes off me" he smirked shoving his hands into his robe pockets.

"As if" I crossed my arms standing up to him. He towered over me, at least a good few inches taller than me. I got a big whiff of his expensive cologne and minty breath.

"Sure, that'd explain why you're always staring at me and the horrid mood you were in last night" his smirk just grew bigger by the second. His face full of amusement. God I wanted to punch him.

"What do you think? I'm in love with you or something" I growl stepping closer.

"Yeah, That is quite exactly what I think" he says brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. His tongue flicking across his lips. Making them glisten in the sun.

"Oops!" I cover my mouth sarcastically. I watch his smirk disappear and turn into a frown.

"I must've done it again, sorry if I made you believe we're more than just friends," a flash of hurt crossed his features in a kind of "blink and you'll miss it" way before returning to his normal scowl," oh baby it might seem like a crush but that doesn't mean I'm serious" I grin cruelly as I fix a piece of his hair.

"Sure it's all an act, because that's not what it seemed like every time we made out" a bright red tint now staining his cheeks. He was starting to get flustered and upset with me.

A gasp could be heard from his group of friends. We all looked to the black haired girl who stood up with tears in her eyes and stormed off. Her sobs could distinctively be heard as she carried on through the doors.

"Look what can I say," I shrugged my shoulders," I played with your," poking him in the chest," heart and I got lost in the game" I chuckle taking a step back. I scanned the faces of our Slytherin group. Jaws were on the ground and shock plastered on the faces of all his friends whether it be good or bad who cared anyway.

"You know what?!," he takes a step towards me shoving his finger in my face "everyone says that I'm evil and I'm a despicable git but" he pauses,"I think that you're way worse, I think you're really the most evil and despicable git of all time. I look around to see you and your whores parading your tits around using and abusing everyone at this school to get what you want forgetting these people have feelings" he growls pushing me back into my friends. Daphne let out a cry as I land on top of her.

"You ok?" I ask her as I help her up. She nods. I turn back to the blonde boy, his icy grey eyes glaring daggers at me.

"The funny thing is that quite frankly I don't give a fuck Malfoy, you act as if you don't bully anyone who isn't Slytherin or Slytherin enough, you are a entitled snobby little rich boy who cries to daddy whenever he doesn't get his way. Maybe I use people to my advantage but at least I don't go out of my way to make everyone else's life a living hell for kicks" I shove him back this time causing his him bump into Nott and Goyle.

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