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Six years ago

"Who do you think you are?" I said to him furious nonchalantly waving my hands in front of him.

He said totally confused,"What?"

"Don't you think I deserve a good apology for your behaviour?" Or do you think you can get away with that just by ignoring me?"

He raised his eyebrows still confused.

"You've stopped talking to me. Why? A sorry will do. Is this a lot to ask?"

He said staring at me blankly,"Why should I say sorry?"

I said losing my mind but still trying to control my anger,"You teased me six months ago. So I stopped talking to you. You didn't contact me either. I want you to apologise. With respect."

He made an expression of understanding me like before I wasn't speaking human language. He chuckled and said,"I teased you. Its common. But if you want then SORRY. About talking to you, I never thought it's necessary."

I gasped,"You mean I'm nothing to you."

"We casually talked sometimes. What's there to think about?"

I yelled,"You don't think it's necessary or you don't want to. We talked casually but we talked as a friend. You don't need to care for your friend specially when you're hurting her feelings. Is that what you're implying?"

"Okay, Okay. I was wrong. I will think in future. Calm down."
He tried to alleviate my anger. I scowled at him.

Six months ago I was going to the another class with my classmate and deskmate Hina just to accompany her. For the very first time I saw a guy very sincere and calm.

He was collecting copies of students. He just came from the teacher's office and passed beside me. I was standing at the door.

His brown hair covering his forehead, straight and so soft. His lips were thin and red which was spectacular because of his warm skin tone that allows his red lips not to overshadow the overall facial features. His tip of nose were glowy because of the sweat. He wiped his nose a few times. His eyes were small. I didn't get to make an eye contact with him. He didn't look at me.

Who sweat on his nose.

His muscular body was astounding. The shirt was only hanging there whilst the pecks and biceps were crying from inside to free them from these irksome fabrics. He must be living in our school hostel.

Our school provides nutritious food. Students come malnourished and become remarkably healthy. He's one of them who has become more muscular. The hostel rules make them do Yoga every morning and exercises to keep them healthy. Sports is also a part of their daily routine.

Not every student become this breathtakingly handsome.

I didn't know I was staring at him so lost into him until Hina nudged me. I turned towards her. She was looking at me wearing questioning looks.

We headed towards our class. On our way I asked,"Who was the guy recently passed beside me?"

"He? He's Jas Nadig. He got admitted last year."

I exclaimed,"He's here for more than a year now? Why don't I know?"

She said in distrust,"Do you even know our own classmates? How are you supposed to know him?"

"That makes sense."

"Carry on. I've work to do." She went away leaving me at my desk alone.

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