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A little bit of mature content is present. Otherwise enjoy the story!

Our intimate yet so lovely relationship started that night. He never confessed his love with those three words after that night but always came all out meticulously whenever came to me.

I was complacent to have him on my side but sometimes it hurts too. What's mine today will be of someone else tomorrow and I wasn't that type of girl who'll let him go. We talked about it many times and he would always skip that part of conversation.

One day I got enough of this shit and that all thing was a pain in the neck. I confronted him directly. I went to his room and asked him,"Do you love me or not?"

His face turned pale suddenly. He stuttered a few times before replying,"I don't have anything to say. I just like you."

I chuckled unbelievably,"You just like me.... Huh! Out of respect? Or? You like me to make me feel better."

He said,"Listen, don't mess things up. We're doing great, aren't we?"

I said,"I'm messing things? Really? And we're having a pure intimate relationship as a friends. What are we? Are we in a relationship called friends with benefits?"

He said blatantly," If you think so, I will never touch you. We'll just be like a common friends. Alright."

His words pricked my heart. I never thought he would say that. A total cock up.

I first intended to let him perceive what it feels like to maintain a distance with the one we love because lips can lie, eyes can never. His love was all over his face and his eyes were the display screen of his heart. I just can't wrap my head around with what kind of threat he is concerned that he won't confess but can make out with me in bed.

He really didn't touched me after that day. Until I couldn't hold up myself and got close to him. I need his arms to calm me when I feel sad and alone.

I went to his place. He was there studying as usual. I didn't told him in advance that I was coming. He opened the door. I swooped in his arms. All my tears flooded out wetting his t-shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and asked,"What's the matter? Who scolded you?"

I sobbed and said,"My brother. He fought with me. I was just talking to him and he was upset. He scolded me for something I didn't do. He vented someone else's anger at me."

He said,"Shh...calm down. You know you did nothing wrong. He was upset so he scolded you. Let him be. Don't cry."

I said between the gasps,"He always do this. I'm not an object. I also get hurt."

"Okay, he didn't mean to hurt you. He'll call you later. He cares for you."

"Hurt me then call me to make things clear. Why don't he think before venting anger on me?"

He said stroking my hair,"Because he isn't me."

I looked at him with watery eyes. He was wearing a smirk on his face. Narcissistic as always. I pinched him.

He exclaimed,"Ouch! Your nails are like a little knives. It hurts."

I wiped my tears. I felt good at his funny heartwarming words. I snuggled myself in his chest.

He cleared his throat and said,"If you're good then I think you should leave. I claimed not to touch you on a condition that you won't come close to me either."

I teased,"Really? How come I don't remember this condition?"

"Then don't blame me for being a bit selfish."

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