chapter 1

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I adjusted my ponytail and kurta in a rush so it could look fine. I rubbed my apron neatly and pressed a smile before standing behind the counter. The girl kept looking into her mobile rather than placing an order. The queue behind her was getting longer and I was losing my patience. 

How can people be so dumb?

"Ma'am, can you please place your order? People are waiting behind you," I asked politely. She seemed to be unbothered as she just nodded at me slightly. "I am doing that," She mumbled but kept her head on her phone. 

"Ma'am," I called again, sweetly. She looked up at me with irritation. Her eyes moved to the menu hung on the wall and with annoyance, she spoke again, "A latte and a cheeseburger."

Did I force her to come here? 

I still smiled and gave her a nod as I generated a coupon for her and asked the amount. She handed the bucks to me and snapped the receipt from my hand before moving out of the queue. 

And it took me a lot of efforts to press a smile again at the next customer while not knowing how he or she is going to be. I let out a sigh and continued my work.

This is my everyday life where I have to struggle to smile. I am a part-timer but the owner of the cafe makes sure they get a full-timer with a part-time salary. What do I do the other time? 

Well, it's a bit complicated. I learn to make different coffees, cakes, pastries and drinks in this very cafe until I can. I like experimenting with different things and making something amazing. Well, it doesn't always end up as amazing and sometimes I mess things up but it's good to know which mixture gives me what.

I want to open my own cafe and name it Amma's Cafe, dedicated to my grandmother and mother. I want to serve the people and tourists of Calicut with the best coffees. It's a far-fetched dream and I am still joining the resources and money. I am not sure when will I succeed but I hope I will soon enough.

My shift ends around 4 in the evening and I always looked to get inside the kitchen so I can come up with something and excel in my skills. The owner here says I have already excelled myself but what can I do unless I open my cafe, so here I am, struggling to stand on my feet.

But today being extra special, no one allowed me in the kitchen. My duty was on the counter for some time and later I had to serve the guests. Reason?

Some birthday party is happening and preparations are being made. The counter has to be closed by 6 in the evening so I was taking a few final orders before we close. My eyes moved to the clock now and then so I can close the counter.

I know I was supposed to work extra today but I am a part-timer and I have to get to one place today. I need to check the place for my cafe. They are offering a little less amount as the area is a little out of the town but it's fine for now.

If people like to taste my food then it will work anyhow.

Finally, the clock stroke 6 and I removed my apron and rushed to get out, just when someone rang the bell on the counter. I groaned internally and walked back to my place.

A boy around my age stood while scanning the menu. He wore a plain light blue shirt and black pants. He kept holding one belt of the visibly heavy bag on his back. An ID card lay around his neck and I could tell he must be working in a nearby company.

He pressed a smile at me. I needed to say we were closed but I couldn't get myself to do so. I have worked in a company for a brief time and I know how much you need coffee or tea when you get home after a tiresome day. Many come here from different cities and states without their families.

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