Chapter 4

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I looked over and saw Tikki sleeping with her head on Plagg's shoulder and Plagg leaning on her. I checked the time and it read 9:30. It was late. Alya would put a blanket over them and the 4 of us would sneak up to my room. Adrien left a note saying we were upstairs. I got a message.

Mom: Your friends can spend the night I saw Tikki and Plagg downstairs.

Mari: Okay thanks!

"Okay you 3 can spend the night if you want. Alya, can you call Plagg and Tikki's parents and let them know?" "Yeah sure here Nino come with me to the hallway with me so we can call everyone's parents." "Okay." It was me and adrien. I went over to my desk to finish a sewing project. "So Mari, what are you working on?" "Hm? Oh a shirt I just have to add new details" I keep pricking my finger on the needle but at this point I was used to it. I saw Adrien holding his finger. "Something wrong?" "Oh no I just have a sharp pain over and over again in my finger." "Oh okay." I went on with adding the details till my finger was bleeding. "Marinette what happened?" Alya asked and Nino came into the room. "Oh this is nothing." "Yo dude Adrien you look like you're about to cry." "Well I'm not. Just a sore finger." "Wait Adrien what finger is it?" Alya would take my hand with the blood. "Oh my pointer finger on my left hand why?" "Just curious. Anyway guys it's late and we can all stay Marinette. Do you have extra clothes?" "Yeah here's some for you and then here is some for Nino and Adrien." Everyone would spread out on the floor. I'd be in my bed. Alya on the chair. Nino and Adrian on the floor with sleeping bags and pillows.




I woke up and turned my alarm off. I heard someone on the ground groan. "Alright losers everyone get up!" Plagg would burst through the trapdoor. "Plagg you're the absolute worst." "Shut it Agreste and get ready." I'd get down and hand everyone clothes and we would all take turns in the bathroom getting ready. "Geez Adrien hurry up, we have to leave in 5 minutes!" "Tikki I'll be ready soon so hush!" "Come on Tikki you know it's the model in him" Alya would cut in. "I heard that Alya" Adrien would say as he came out. "Alright everyone let's go, we can grab food from the bakery!"

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