Chapter 8

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Mari left us and we all went to the park. There were fireworks. Before I knew it Lila took my hand and we kissed under the night sky. It didn't feel right though. I feel like it should have felt different but it was kind of plain. I didn't feel anything. Everyone says when their soulmates kiss them it feels right and this was quite the opposite. I took Lila home and then went home myself.

"Adrien, where were you?" My father would meet me in the hall. "Oh I'm sorry father, I went out with some friends. I even found my soulmate." "Oh well I'd like to meet the girl so that way I can approve of her." "Father, you already know her. It's Lila." "Oh then no need just let me or Nathalie know beforehand." "Yes sir." I went upstairs to bed.

Nathalie woke me up. We went to pick up Lila before school. When we got to school it was kind of late. The whole group was there other than Mari. We all talked about dates we could go on together. Lila suggested making a different group chat without Mari so that way we could plan dates. Everyone agreed with her. With Lila around it felt different. It felt as though a piece of a puzzle was missing. But where was the missing piece? I never saw Mari that morning. When we went to class Lila sat in her seat. Right before the bell rang Marinette walked in. She looked sad.

After class was over it was lunch. We all went to the classroom. Everyone showed up but Marinette never came. No one noticed she wasn't there. They were all focused on planning a date for all of us that afternoon. I wasn't paying attention of course. "Babe." I looked to see Lila's hand in front of my face. "Yeah? Sorry I zoned out." "We're going to the movies after school okay all of us. Pay attention." "Oh okay yeah." The bell for lunch rang.

The rest of the day went by quickly as soon as the bell rang. Alya, Nino, Tikki, Plagg, Lila, and I ran to the movie theater.

The movie was fun. We all went to the park to hangout after. We found a patch of pink flowers. They were pretty. They reminded me of Mari. Wait, why am I thinking of her? I have a soulmate, Lila. I picked one up and gave it to Lila. "Here." "Aww thanks Adrien you're so sweet!" Her voice sounded fake. Was she not happy with the flower? "Hey Adrien, can me and Nino see your marks?" Alya would shout. "Yeah I guess." We walked over. We showed her the marks. "That's weird" Alya would take a quick picture. "Thanks guys." "Yeah of course Alya." We pulled our arms back and went on. I dropped Lila off at her house and headed home. "Where were you Adrien?" My father was in the foyer. "I went out with Lila and some friends to see a movie." "Adrien you need to let me or Nathalie know before you go." "Yes father, I will remember to tell you." I went up to my room.

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