Chapter 9

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I took a picture of Lila and Adrien's marks. After we all hung out a bit Nino and I headed home. When I got home I looked at the pictures more. "Weird." "What's weird?" A voice would say from my phone. It was Nino. "Oh it's just that Lila's mark is kind of smudged and it shouldn't be." "Well maybe it's because they are falling in love." "That's not how it works Nino. The mark stays bright as day until they fall in love there is no smudging or fading with them." "That is weird. Wait, Alya remember the first day of school when Marinette fell and Adrien winced a bit." "Oh my gosh your right he did and then again when Marinette was sewing and her finger was bleeding! Nino, their soulmates!" "Al I could have told you this a few days ago." "Nino you kept this from me!" "Sorry it's just Adrien seemed happy Lila was his soulmate and she found him." "You're right but did you see Mari when they walked in together?" "Yeah you punched me in the side." "Here I'm going to add Marinette." "Alright." I'd ring Marinette. "Hello?" "Hey dudette." "Hey girl Nino and have a theory!" "What is this theory?" "We think you and Adrien are soulmates." Marinette would start laughing. "You really think we are soulmates. Alya he is with Lila plus if we were soulmates we'd know by now." "That's where you're wrong dudette and we are going to prove it." "Okay have fun with that, I have to go guys." "Bye dudette." "Bye girl." Marinette would hang up. "So Al, how are you going to prove it?" "I have no idea. They seem to be soulmates who feel each other's pain. So we have to get them into a situation where they realize it." "We could just get them to hangout. Then eventually they will realize it." "You're right anyway Nino I'm going to bed I'll see you tomorrow."


I walked to school and saw everyone hanging out on the stairs. "Hey dudette." "Hey Nino." "Where were you yesterday Marinette?" Tikki would ask. "Oh I sat with Rose and her crew." "That's nice." Lila would say she seemed annoyed I was there. "Yeah it was very nice Lila actually." Lila would roll her eyes. "Anyway Marinette we might be hanging out after school, want to come?" "I'll see Tikki." The bell would ring and we'd all go to class. I sat in the back but Alya and Tikki kept on turning to talk to me. Yesterday they were so close with Lila and now? Alya would send me a text.

A: We're going to Adrien's after school. Lila isn't coming. Want to come?

M: Yeah sure

The bell would ring and school would be over we'd all head to Adrien's "Hey why isn't Lila coming?" "Oh she couldn't stinky sock." "Are you sure Lila had asked me to hangout with her though." Adrien would say. " Well you're hanging out here with us. No Lila." Alya would butt in. "Adrien, your father wants to see you." Adrien's dad's assistant would come in. "Okay I'll be back guys." Adrien would leave the room. "So Marinette, how's the sewing project going?" Tikki would ask. "Oh it's okay, very time consuming." "Hey Nino Ultra Mega Strike 3?" "Of course Al." We'd all watch Nino and Alya go at it in the game while waiting for Adrien to come back. "Hey guys I'm back." "Awesome hey Marinette, why don't you and Adrien play?" "Yeah come on Mari I bet I can beat you." "Oh Argeste you're in for a treat." After a long battle I won. "LET'S GO! Sorry Agreste but I'm better than you." I'd have a smirk on my face.


That smirk. It was enough to make me fall in love. Wait what am I thinking she's just a friend. I have Lila. I can't be thinking like this were not soulmates. Lila and I are soulmates. "You win Mari." "HA in your face Agreste! Round 2?" "Yeah sure." Nothing else mattered right now, just her. Making her happy. Ugh I need to stop thinking like this! I have Lila. We'd play a few more rounds. I lost every single time. She was ecstatic every time she won. Each time a new celebration.

 "Okay you Marinette I think Adrien lost enough." "You're right Alya. Hey where are Tikki and Plagg?" "They left an hour ago something about a project." "Plagg doing work for a project? Who is that?" I'd say. "I know right it's so not like the dude." "Tikki must be affecting him." Alya would cut in. "Yeah into doing his work that takes a lot Alya." "Adrien's right there babe." "Maybe they can't hang out unless Plagg does his work?" Mari would say. "Dudette you might have a point. Anyway Alya and I have to leave." "So soon? Don't leave me with this loser." Mari would pout. "Hey I'm not that bad at the game!" "Sorry girl but we have to get home." "It's okay Adrien and I can play some more so I can beat him." "Actually I have another game we can play." "Oh nice!" "Okay, we're heading out by dude and dudette." "Bye!" We'd say in sync. "Okay so what game did you have in mind?" "I actually just wanted to get to know you. I mean we're in the same friend group so?" "Oh okay um ask ahead I guess." "So where did you live before here?" "Oh um I lived in Shanghai with my uncle. He owns a famous restaurant there. I used to help in the kitchen. My parents stayed here to run the bakery. Then I just moved back." "Oh nice." "What about you?" "Born and raised here. My dad owns the Agreste fashion brand. I was homeschooled for a bit after my mom disappeared." "Wait wait wait your mom disappeared?" "Yeah.." "Wow Adrien I'm so sorry." "It's okay, I've gotten used to it. I still miss her though." "I'm sure you do." "Anyway, after a lot of convincing I went back to public school. There I met Plagg, Nino, Tikki and Alya. Then you came." "Oh wow." "Yeah, very boring compared to you. What are your hobbies?" "Oh um I bake, sew, I'm really good at sewing. I love making clothes. You know I can maybe make you some stuff." "Really? I do modeling for my dad right now but if you made some things I could see about wearing it to a shoot?" "Really you'd do that?" "Yeah, of course we're friends, right." "Yeah we are." She'd have a soft smile.

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