Chapter 13

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There Lila was. With Chloe and Sabrina. This was bad. Anything that had to do with Chloe was bad. "So Lila, what are we doing?" Chloe would speak. "We're going to thank Marinette for the dress she made me." "Oh but she didn't make me a dress." "Y-you didn't ask for one." I'd say knowing I'd probably get hit for it. "We Mari-trash, maybe you should have made me one." Chloe would say as her hand met my face. It stung but I was used to it.

 "Calm down Chloe, I have a better idea for our sweet Marinette." Lila would Whistle and 3 guys would come out. The same ones who attacked me when I was younger. Fear quickly ran through me. Lila would start laughing. "OMG Chloe, do you see her face? She's terrified. I have to take a photo." Lila would take a photo.

 I slowly started to back up. It was getting harder to breathe. The memories from that day flooded my mind. Before I knew it I couldn't back up anymore. The guys were slowly closing in. "So this is the same pipsqueak that got away from us?" One of the guys asked Lila. "Of course. I've been watching her for months." Lila would have a wide grin on her face. Next thing I knew there was a fist coming right at me. Tears started to flow from my eyes. One of them stung. 

Before I could react to that there was another sharp pain in my shoulder. "Are you really not going to let us girls have fun boys?" Lila would move the guys out of her and Chole's way. Oh great this is bad. I was about to scream for help that's when Chloe's fist hit my mouth. "Don't even think about it." 

I wish it stopped there but then all 5 of them were soon attacking me. Blood was coming from my mouth. That's when I was punched in the stomach. That was the worst. I almost got sick but knew if I did it would be worse for me.

 "STOP!" A voice would say. I fell to the ground. Everyone looked shocked and ran in different directions. Some people would be around me. I couldn't see their faces. The pain was unbearable. "Marinette, are you okay?" "Pl-agg?" I could barely get the words out. Everything then went black.

I woke up. Sharp pain shot through my body. "Hey, don't rush it." Plagg was there. He helped me sit up. "What happened..?" "I don't know, all I know is I found you getting beat to pieces." "Look, the others are here. I told them I found you on the ground and don't know what happened. If you want I can tell them." "No!" I interrupted him. "Okay if that's what you want. Just know Adrien is worried." I nodded.

 I tried to get up. "Wow, wow, slow your horses down there." "Plagg, I have to get home, I have to help in the bakery." "Marinette, we called your parents, they know you're here. You're fine." "Fine but I have to get home. We have school tomorrow." "I'm sorry but if you think you're going to school in that state you're crazy." "Plagg we're coming in!" Tikki would yell.

 The group would come in. Their faces would be in shock with the amount of cuts and bruises I had. "Heh hey guys." "Marinette what the heck happened!" Alya would finally spit out. "It's nothing really. I just fell a lot. I think I blacked out, which means I fell down stairs." "You don't get marks like that by falling down steps dudette." "You haven't met me." I'd laugh a bit. No one was amused.

 "Look guys, I'm fine." I got up. I almost fell but quickly hid it. "I have to get home and you guys should too. It's late." "Mari you shouldn't be walking in that condition." "Oh my gosh guys I'm fine I swear. I will be okay. Now I have to get home. My parents are having a sale tomorrow which means we're baking all night." "Marinette, you should be resting, not baking." Plagg would point out. Everyone would nod. "Guys I'm fine." At that point I just walked out of Plagg's house.

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