Chapter 10

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Adrien's house was fun. I kept beating him in ultra mega strike 3. He had the same cute pout every time. I know I shouldn't think he's cute, he has a soulmate already. I got to know him a bit. He was really cool. Sometimes when I looked at him his face seemed a bit flushed. That can't be true though he just sees me as a friend. I hope he didn't notice but I got lost in his eyes a few times. "MARINETTE TIME FOR BED!" "OKAY NIGHT MOM." I put my diary away and went to bed.

I walked up the stairs of the school. "Hey girl!" "Hey Alya, how are you?" "I'm good, how was hanging out with Adrien yesterday?" "Marinette did what?" Lila would cut in as she and Adrien made their way up the steps. "Oh the gang all went to Adrien's house." Nino pointed out. "Adrien you didn't invite me?" "Sorry Lila, it was late already. I'll invite you next time." "Whatever" Lila would cross her arms. "Oh Adrien at lunch can I show you the designs I have in mind for you to model?" "Yeah of course Mari." "Alright I'm I'll see you guys in class." I walked inside the school. I went to the restroom. That's where we met.

"Lila." "Marinette. What did I tell you about being with MY soulmate." "Sorry Lila but you can't choose who my friends are." "Look I could care less who you hangout with just don't hangout with my boyfriend!" "Well I can't help it! Your boyfriend is in the same friend group!" Lila would get closer. I was soon backed up against the wall. Then there was a sharp pain on the right side of my face. Lila had slapped me. Tears threatened to fall. I held them back. "Stay away from Adrien. I was holding back today." Lila would say with venom coming from every word. I couldn't move. I didn't want to. Lila left and I sat there for a few minutes. That's when Alya came in. " Hey Marinette? You okay?" "Oh yeah I'm fine, why?" "Adrien said he got a weird feeling something was up with you. He asked me to come check on you." "Oh yeah I'm fine." "Alright girl whatever you say. Let's go to class." "Yeah."

The bell rang. Lunch finally. We all went to the classroom. "Hey Mari, want to show me your designs?" "Oh yeah sure Adrien." I got a death stare from Lila. It didn't bother me. "These are sick Mari!" "Really? When do you want them?" "Whenever you have time to make them." "Okay I'll get right on it." "Hey have you guys heard the news?" Tikki would disrupt us. "What news sugarcube?" "There's going to be a dance!" "Really when?" Alya was intrigued. "Next month on the 8th." "Awesome! I think it's safe to say most of us have dates." Lila would say as she looked at me. Oh how I wanted to punch her. Alya would nudge me. "Don't listen to her, you'll find your soulmate." "You're right." I wasn't very confident in my answer. "Hey Marinette, could you make our dresses? Tikki would ask. "Oh yeah Marinette that would be awesome no one else would have the same dress too!" "I guess I don't see why I can't. Just text me what you want so I can start." "YOU'RE THE BEST!" Alya and Tikki would say in sync. I'd just smile at their remark.

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