Chapter 15

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The pain wasn't as bad. "I'm home!" "Oh than gosh." My mom ran in and hugged me. "Careful." "Marinette, my sweet girl, what happened?" "Remember those guys from before I left? Well they wanted revenge for not being able to hurt me last time. So Lila being her wonderful self helped them find me." "Oh darling. Are you okay now?" "Yeah I'll be fine mom." "Why make her a dress if she's so rude to you?" "She's part of the friend group. I didn't want others to find out. I didn't want Adrien to be mad at his soulmate." Marinette, I love you and you are so sweet but sometimes you need to tell people these things. Tomorrow we will both go to the school and tell them about Lila and how she has been this past month." "Mom no I'm fine everything is okay. I'm okay. It's not like I'm dead." "Marinette I don't want you to end up dead though. Mom, I'll be fine. I can handle this. She's just some High school bully." "Fine but next time your friend calls me and tells me you're knocked out because of her I'm going to the school." "Alright. I'm going to bed. I have school." "Okay goodnight sweetie." "Night mom." I went up to my room, grabbed the diary and wrote everything that happened today word for word. Tears fell on the pages. I was in so much pain. I took some pain medication and soon fell asleep.

My alarm went off. I got up and got ready for school. I took enough medicine to last me the school day. I covered the bruise with makeup. Soon I was off to school.

"Hey guys!" I said in the most cheerful tone. "Marinette, what are you doing here? We told you to stay home" Alya would be shocked to see me completely fine. "I felt better." Lila's reaction to seeing me was priceless. She was more in shock than everyone else. There was a gleam in her eyes though that bothered me. "Marinette, can I talk to you alone?" "Yeah sure Plagg." We'd go to an empty classroom. "Marinette what the heck! You were in terrible shape yesterday! You could barely walk outside my house! Now you show up to school acting completely fine, especially in front of Lila, the person who caused this. we both know she will find a way to make it worse!" "Look Plagg I'm sorry but I'm fine okay." "No you're not! Marinette, what is going on that you need to act like this." "Nothing okay! I'm just fine. Now I'm going to class.

The bell would ring and school was out. We'd all go outside. Hey Marinette Lila, Tikki, and I are going to get our nails done for Friday. Want to come?" "I'm good, Alya. I have to finish my dress." "Alright well see you be safe!" "I will!" "Well dudette, how are you doing?" All the guys would be there giving the same worried look. "Oh my goodness guys I'm not a china doll. I will be okay. Everything is completely fine." "You sure Mari?" "I'm positive Adrien." I gave them a reassuring look. "Well my ride is here. Bye guys. See you Mari." "Yeah I should head home bye dude and dudette." "Bye Nino." I'd wave. "Marinette, you're coming to my house. My mom wants to check up on you." "Fine Plagg."

"There you are, Plagg. Oh and our patient." I just waved. "So how are we, sweetie?" "I'm good, the pain isn't as bad for sure and I can walk." "But?" "I get lightheaded when I'm up for a while." "Marinette, you didn't tell me this?" "Well Plagg you're not the doctor are you?" "No I'm not." "Well you shouldn't be going to school." "See Marinette I told you." "Whatever Plagg." "Now you go home and get some rest, Marinette." "Yes ma'am thank you I'll see you tomorrow Plagg." "Yeah bye Marinette."

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