Chapter 11

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Hey guys!! I spent like my whole day reading 'Specials' by Scott Westerfeld. It's the third book in the uglies trilogy, the ending was horrible. Like nothing turned out the way I wanted!! Horrible!! I feel like this should be an emotional chapter because of that, so expect that or maybe it'll just be happy I don't know.... Thanks for reading!!!!


My information...



•Instagram Name; Amanda_Styles69

•Kik Name; Amanda_Styles69



~Chapter 11

I didn't really know my mothers reaction besides the fact she was surprised. After she heard Niall was my boyfriend her mouth dropped. She excused herself from dinner and ran up to her room, I'm guessing that's a bad sign.

As the hours passed my tiredness grew. I gave up on waiting for my mum to come back and decided to get to bed. It was 10:30pm, and I was usually asleep at 9, never being one to stay up late. I shuffled pass my mothers room and heard weeping. Guilt struck me, I couldn't let my mum cry.

"Mum?" I called out knocking on the door. She silenced her cries trying to be unnoticed. I tried to turn the doorknob, but it was locked. "Mum! Open the door!"

Momentarily, mum opened the door. Only a crack, so I could barely see her, but I could see her well enough to see her red rimmed eyes.

"What do you need Harry?" She muffled out. Her voice hoarse from crying.

"Why've you been crying mum?" I asked. Another tear rolled down her face as she fell into my arms. I ran my fingers through her hair as she sobbed into my shoulder.

"What have I done wrong?" She managed to ask. She was blaming herself for me being gay? As if it was a problem?

"Nothing mum, I'm still the same person." I said pulling her out of my arms and looking into her eyes.

"What?" She asked confused. "Harry this isn't about you and your boyfriend..I don't care if you're gay you're still my son."

"Thanks for not freakin out." I'm glad mum accepted me. I gave her another hug. "But if its not about me, what happened?"

Mum looked down at her feet nervously, tears forming in her eyes. I pushed her chin up towards me so she would look me in the eye.

"Your step-father..." She started but got cut off by her own cry.

"He's okay right?"

"Yes," she said wiping her eyes. "He's perfect. He wants a divorce."

My mouth fell open to speak, I wanted to say everything bad about him, I wanted to kill him, but it fell shut. Mum needed my comfort right now.

"I'm sorry mum, I know how much you love him." I said giving her another hug.

"Not as much as I love you." She said kissing my messy curls. "It's late, you should be getting to bed, I as well, thanks Harry."

"Anything for you, you're my mum." I said walking out of the room and to my bedroom.


I woke up to a pounding headache. It was 6am, I got nearly 7 hours of sleep and the neighbors dog woke me up with its bark.

I hadn't talked to Niall since yesterday's picnic. I pulled out my phone and composed a text...

To: Nialler

Hey babe, I think we should talk. Starbucks? xx

I hoped Niall wouldn't take "we should talk" as a bad thing.

My phones buzzing interrupted my thoughts.

From: Nialler

Ill meet you there. :)

I climbed out of bed, running my fingers through my mess of curls. Once they looked acceptable I pulled on a red plaid flannel and some jeans. I slipped on my shoes and went downstairs.

"Hey mum, how are you?" I said noticing her in the kitchen.

"I'm fine, where are you off to?"

"To meet Niall. Is that okay?"

"Of course, have fun." She said sipping some tea. I kissed her cheek and grabbed my keys.


"Hey," Niall said kissing my cheek joining me at my table. "What'd you wanna talk bout?"

"Some intense stuff happened last night.."

"Oh no Harry, please tell me you didn't do anything stupid?" He asked placing his hand on mine.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything bad." I assured him. "I told my mum about us!"

Niall stared at me in silence. He swallowed and his Adam's apple bobbed.

"Is she okay with it?"

"Yes, she said she loves me gay or not. But something else happened last night." I said. Niall nodded his head waiting for me to speak. "My step-dads divorcing her."

"He's just gonna break it off?" Niall asked.

"Apparently, he didn't even do it in person. She was crying in her room, and I thought it was because of us."

"That's horrible, but I'm glad she's okay with us." He said drinking more of his coffee.

We sat in the silence, holding hands, sipping on our coffees, and staring into each others eyes.

"When are you gonna tell your mum?" I piped up.

Niall almost choked on his drink, "I don't know."

"You've got to sometime."

"I will, eventually, I promise!" He said squeezing my hand.<3

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