Storm [Espreseleine]

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Okay mini rant:
Madeleine is a dumb blonde who gets flustered easily, I'm tired of the big guy ALWAYS being the top/dominant. Just let the sleep deprived coffee addict not be a blushing mess 24/7 and let him be top
Sorry, mini rant. I'm just tired asf of that trope with big tough guy is dom, while hard worker is the sub. If he is a hard worker for magic, he's a hard worker in bed!!
#topespresso for the win!!

Okay on to the story, this wasn't suggested by anyone, just an idea. Again, they humans, stfu baha

Music played in the background as the couple laid in bed. Soft rain trickled down windows and clashed against roofs. The sounds were quite relaxing to be fair, which is partially what made Madeleine so sleepy in the first place. Place it with some sweet melodies and you have a man who sleeps like a baby.

Madeleine laid against his boyfriend, cuddling his body like a pillow. He had his head on Espresso's chest, softly snoring as he slept peacefully. Espresso was playing with Madeleine's soft, blonde locks of hair. He twirled pieces around and massaged his head.

A few strikes of lighting traveled down to earth, sending an electric current through anything it hit. One of the items being a tree near the house they shared. It created a loud clash which, didn't faze Espresso much, but caused Madeleine to stir awake. He eyes carried some form of shock and anxiety but he mostly looked sleepy.

Espresso kissed his lovers head, "Hey, don't worry, babe. It's just some lighting. You'll be fine right?" This question allowed Madeleine to let out a small whimper and nod his head. Espresso smiled, "Good boy, stay brave, my handsome warrior." His words caused Madeleine to brighten up a bit, not before another 'BOOM' was heard from across their lake.

It was close enough to hear, but not near as close as the last strike. Madeleine's grip on Espresso tightened as he balled his fist into his hoodie, causing the fabric to lift up.

Espresso's eyebrows turned up in worry. He felt bad that Madeleine was so scared of thunder and lightning. He always had been, ever since primary school. He held Madeleine as close as he could, trying to comfort him as much as possible.

He made shushing sounds, then continuously kissed Madeleine's forehead. "Hey, hey... don't worry. It won't hurt you, okay? I'm here... don't feel scared." Madeleine hardly felt better, but his demeanor definitely changed. He let go of Espresso's hoodie and allowed himself to retract a bit.

He was never one to cry, but he got damn near every time he was scared out of his mind or got upset. He had a hard time controlling his emotions since he bottled them up. The whole "tough guy" act really put a toll on his mental health. Even if it was bad, he still preferred looking strong in front of people, even when his boyfriend mainly got to see his weak side.

Madeleine never got over his fear of abandonment and always strived to look "the best" in front of people. But having somebody to confide it truly made a difference, even if he still didn't feel great about the real him.

Madeleine and Espresso stayed in each other's embrace for a while. All the while, Espresso tried to soothe Madeleine of his worries. Madeleine eventually calmed down the same time the storm decided to.

He pulled away from Espresso and sat up, carefully turning his gaze as to not look right at his boyfriend, "Sorry. I uh...well... the storm- the lighting, the thunder i-it—" he was cut of by Espresso who had a smile, "Don't worry, babe. I know it's scary, and I'm always here if you need me."

Madeleine looked back and moved close to give Espresso a hug, "I know... Thank you so much for being understanding," he sighed, "I love you" Madeleine leaned up and pecked Espresso on the lips. Espresso chuckled a tad, "I love you too, baby."

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