Pure Cacao HC

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Dark Cacao:

• He often will just hold PV by his cheeks and look into his eyes. He genuinely just thinks they're mesmerizing. He's confused how PV looks calm 24/7

• "Hey, can I be little spoon today?" 🥺

• Deeply cares for Pure Vanilla and always seems interested. He'll often ask 500 questions when he gets home about his day.

Pure Vanilla:

• I HC him to have this really small body. He wears this big clothes to look like he has more cookie mass

• "I know it's our first kiss, but can we take this to the bedroom?" 😘

• He just tries to be neutral n shit in front of most cookies, but he's silly n goofy in front of DC 🤷‍♀️

Ship Dynamic:

• DC meditates quite often, and PV bothers him lol

• They cuddle 24/7

• Since PV is so tiny, he highly admires DC body. He'll often compliment or basically caress his body. DC doesn't mind though, he just thinks it's charming

• PV: "Hey babe,"
DC: "Hello, hun"
PV: "You bored?"
DC: "Eh, a little"
PV: "hmm..bedroom?"
(I'm not sorry)

• Custard has walked in on them probably about 10 times. They keep forgetting to lock the door 😭😭

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