Never Forgotten [Clover x Licorice]

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Based on these images I captured

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Based on these images I captured.
Basically Clover left/died so angst lmao.

Was it normal for it to hurt this much? Was it normal to be in so much pain. Licorice had already lost so much, then he had to deal with his beloved Clover leaving him behind. He was tired of all the pain and suffering he went through. But he knew Clover would still want him to push forward.

He wished Clover were somewhere better know. He felt terrible for letting him go. He felt terrible everyday because of it. It had been 1 whole year, and he still felt terrible. He missed Clover.

He missed him. He missed his little smile. He missed his perfect tunes. He missed his quiet laugh. He missed everything!... he missed him. He missed him so.

Licorice practically cried everyday. Every morning he thought about Clover. And no matter how hard he tried, he had negative thoughts. He felt terrible the day he was gone, and he still felt terrible.

Licorice visited Clover's tree everyday. He remembered when he used to preform there. He remembered every single word he said, every name of his songs, and every single emotion felt.

He always sang his own tune, imagining Clover were still there with him. He would always end up stopping midway because his cries made the songs unrecognizable. He never finished a song. He never wanted to finish a song, just how their relationship came to a halt and a finish.

Licorice hated everything now. All things that seemed good, and had great memories, all tied to Clover. He couldn't enjoy anything without guilt. He couldn't enjoy anything without feeling as thought he was leaving Clover out.

Licorice always laid in bed, hugging his pillow, imagining Clover were holding him close. His tears stained the white fabric, causing streak marks to be seen for at least 15 minutes.

Of course, there was that certain determination inside Licorice that told him to live on. The one that Clover forced into his brain. He always wanted to live his life to the fullest, so Licorice was to do the same, even after he had left him behind.

And so, he would. Licorice would live how Clover wanted him to. He could never shake off the feeling of dread, or loneliness. He could only come to terms with it. He struggled with it. But one day, he would be soon to get there. One day, he could do things he enjoyed without getting upset. One day, he could think about Clover with a smile on his face, instead of tears running down and causing him to break down. One day, they would reunite again, and only then would Licorice finally have a sense of closure.

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