[1/2] Support [Espresseleine Angst]

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Trigger warning for verbal abuse

Madeleine rubbed his eyes as more tears started to form. He couldn't see very well from the amount of liquid distorting his vision. Tears fell into the tile beneath and some rubbed into his skin.

He sat on the bathroom toilet, door locked, taking in everything his mother said in the past few minutes. This was only the beginning of the scolding. He hated it so much. He wanted nothing more than death in these instances.

His mom banged on the door, shouting at him, "You wouldn't be in this situation if you just listened to me!! Stop crying and get out here!"

Madeleine followed her orders with more sobs. He gasped between each hoarse cry, trying to catch his breath the best he could. He waited until the banging stopped and footsteps traced away from the door. He straightened himself out the best he could;he just wanted to leave so bad.

He gave himself a few minutes to relax before standing up. He shakingly unlocked and opened the bathroom door. He stepped out, starting to walk into the kitchen as his mom demanded.

He sat at a stool as a plate of slop sat in front of him... Well, not actually slop. It would look good to any normal person. But he didn't want to eat. He didn't feel like he deserved the food after constantly being scolded.

His mom paced around the kitchen, "One time, JUST ONE TIME," she raised her voice as she faced him, "You can't do anything right!! All you do is sit at home and mindlessly stay on that damn phone. If you can't do anything in school, how the hell do you think you'll go ANYWHERE in life? HUH???"

She scoffed. Starting to walk away, "Listen to me and start paying attention. There is NO excuse for your bad grades." Madeleine whimpered as a response. His mom yelled again, "What do you have to say for yourself?? Come on! Do better. You have to listen to me."

Madeleine dipped his head and kicked his feet a little, "...The teacher says she thinks I have ADHD. Can I go to the doctor so—"


Madeleine was already struggling before but now her couldn't hold back any longer. His eyes blurred and liquid poured out at an alarming rate. He covered his eyes as he pushed from the table and paced towards his room.

Upon entering he immediately locked the door and slumped down to the floor to cry. He bent his knees up and folded his arms over them. His sobs echoed the house and probably the entire neighbourhood.


Once settling a bit. He fished into his drawer. He pulled out his phone (which he had hidden so his mom wouldn't get ahold of) and put in his pass code. He went to the phone app and clicked the most recent caller, who would be known as Espresso.

As his cellphone rang, he placed the electronic to his ear, the dialing tones burning a spot to remember for a while. Noise was heard from the other side as the time showed 00:00 for indication of the answered call.

Espresso answered kinda monotoned, but Madeleine was used to it, "Hey, Madeleine. What's up?"

Suddenly hearing a comforting person made Madeleine really happy. He sniffled as somewhat of happy tears came flooding out. He spoke as if he was choking on water, "Hey... Espresso.. Are you free right now."

Espresso had been through this scenario with Madeleine many times, so hearing the hurt in his voice, he knew what to do. "Yes of course. Come over, sneak through my window please. We can talk about it here okay?"

Madeleine smiled through tears, "Great. Thank you Espresso. I'll be there in 20 minutes."

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