Pure Cacao smut???

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Oh my god nooo I'm finally doing it 😭
I can't tell if this is good or bad omg

Pure Vanilla's bare body pressed against the back of Dark Cacao's. PV had a small smile, almost a smirk and he snaked an arm around DC. He had already been a flustered mess while being teased by Pure Vanilla, but it was about to get much more intense.

Dark Cacao nearly gasped for breath as meek fingers brushed the tip of his member. Just the small touches sent him into a frenzy. It wasn't how they usually did things. Usually, they just had slow, passionate intercourse. But ofc, this time, they were just needy and ready to fuck the feelings away.

Pure Vanilla moved his hand down, slowly grasping the base of Dark Cacao's erect member. PV chuckled to himself. His neck craned out as he whispered into Dark Cacao's ear, "Awe.. babe. You being excited for me makes me oh-so happy." He kissed his cheek.

Before Dark Cacao could mutter a word, his breaths were filled with moans. Pure Vanilla pumped his wrist in an up-and-down motion. Being jacked-off so suddenly allowed for a sudden shock wave of pleasure. The act caused Dark Cacao to already release some pre-cum, which spewed out as a mostly clear ooze. He started to pant a little.

Pure Vanilla would slow down for mere seconds before starting back up at double the intensity. Dark Cacao began muttering, trying to get something out, "Ah—"
"mmfph... f~fuck"
"P-ah...-Pure Vah—nillha"

Pure Vanilla smiled at his name being called so desperately. He licked the finger tips of his free hand before letting them roam on Dark Cacao. He allowed them to explore DC's nipples. He ran a small circle shape over them. Dark Cacao continued to moan, struggling to call out his precious lovers name, let alone ask him of a favor.

Pure Vanilla slowed to a near stop. Dark Cacao moaned and groaned, as he wanted the pleasure to continue. His needy eyes locked with Pure Vanilla's lustful ones. PV seemed to scoff, "You seemed to call my name, hun... How may I be of service?"

Dark Cacao tried to push his hips into Pure Vanilla's hand, as he was trying to keep the pleasure going. PV smirked, releasing his hand. Dark Cacao winced at the sudden gust of cold air. Within a heart beat, Pure Vanilla and climbed his way around Dark Cacao and sat at the side of him.

He placed a small kiss on the larger one's cheek, "Alright babe... lemme get something, okay?" He didn't wait for a response before getting up and going to the edge of the bed. He opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle. Dark Cacao stared. He didn't remember placing it in there, but that was besides the point. Pure vanilla poured some of the lubricant into his palm before placing down the bottle.

He played with the substance in his hand. As he walked back to Dark Cacao, he hummed softly. "Alright, babe. You've been waiting so patiently... You're so handsome~" he cooed. Dark Cacao smiled and blushed profusely. They both know he loved compliments. Pure vanilla propped himself up on the bed with his knees. He wrapped an arm around Dark Cacao's shoulder for support as he looked down as DC's hard member.

He kissed Dark Cacao one last time before gently placing his fingers, then his palm, around Dark Cacao's erect cock. He twisted and pumped his wrist around to lather the lube everywhere.

Dark Cacao bit his lip gently, staring and the frail male before him who delivered pleasure so diligently. Soft blue and yellow eyes met his dark purple ones, sending a shiver down his spine,

"So.. You ready, my love?"

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