Wildberry HCs

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Hiii sorry for lack of updates. School will be slowing down soon, so give me 2 weeks and I'll be uploading like CRAZY. Hopefully, this weekend. I can supply my dear readers with 2-3 chapters. No promises, but I will most definitely try!!

So. I'm currently tired of Clotted Cream Cookie.
I, however, LOVE Wildberry Cookie.
🔫 deal w it.


• I can't say for certain who I ship him with (if anybody) but rn— I kinda like Crunchy Chip Cookie

• When he was younger he prob had a weird crush on Hollyberry. But grew up and learned that was a little odd, considering she was much older than him (kinda like how a student has a crush on a teacher)

• High achiever

• Has anxiety. Mostly for social events or even just talking to people in higher power than him (such as him getting nervous with Dark Cacao and others)

• Paranoid of failure.

• Despite his anxiety, he is a great fighter. He doesn't get nervous when in combat, even when he's bound to lose.

• Ngl. He prob has a shrine of somebody he looks up to lmao. Or at least a mental shrine (HB cough)

• Doesn't really know how to enjoy himself. Sure, he has hobbies... not really.

• Once he tried it, he would prob get VERY into painting.

• "uhm.... Sorry. What should I be doing again?"

• "hey. Can you help me find my chest plate? I placed it in here to be shined..." (it's in his room)

• "Is this juice spiked?? I cant be doing anything embarrassing.."

HES NEW BUT I ALREADY HAVE A FEW. Might update if I make more 👍

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