[1/?] Almond x Fem!Reader

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Suggested by @travia_san !! Hopefully this works out, as I couldn't really do the wizard thing aa... more parts to come :]

3rd Person POV

A paper was dropped onto Almond's desk, making a noise as air escaped beneath it. He was working on climbing the ranks, but for now, he was stuck in a pit. He had to deal with ignorant superiors who had no time management skills and work ethic. They were annoying and never were quiet, always making dumb small talk. Saying he didn't like them was a huge understatement.

Almond looked up to the one he called his "boss", using every grain of energy not to mouth off to him. The boss smiled, "Good work on your last case." Almond did not take the compliment, instead taking a sip of his coffee. The boss continued, "Grave news I'm afraid... Have you heard what happened to your partner recently?"

Almond normally didn't care for people much, but god, this news startled him. Not for a typical reason. But for the reason he would likely be assigned a new partner. He groaned, putting down his beverage, "No. I have not. What happened?"

"Well. He ended up getting temporarily removed by my supervisors. Supposedly he participated in a misconduct. He's on paid leave."

Almond glared as he questioned, "Why the hell is he getting paid for doing no work?" The boss shrugged, "Good question. Maybe so he doesn't get angry and cause things to go to the media."

Almond sighed, leaning back in his chair, "What does this mean for me?" He asked, scoffing after, as if he didn't care to even be affiliated with the other one in the room.

The man smiled, "New partner. I'm sure you already knew that." He pulled out another paper and handed it to him, "Here's her information. You can find her room, background, and other info. Though I suppose if you want more depth, the database is good."

Almond groaned, "Of course... What is she like?"

"See for yourself. Go to her room and make yourselves aquatinted, after all, you are working together for a while.

"Y/N..." Almond muttered her name under his breath. It lingered on him. He put down the paper as he stood up. He brushed off his pants to straighten them before walking to the room number listed under her name. He passed by many ignorant co-workers who gave him small talk. He never responded.

Almond eventually arrived at the room. He extended his arm to knock before a lady opened the door and rushed out. She bumped into him, as she didn't expect anybody in her way. She shrieked before backing away, "Eek! Oh— Oh my... Terribly sorry!!"

She started picking up the papers on the floor. Almond bent down to help, staying silent. Once he got his stack, he read the top paper, his eyes darting to the name. "You're Y/N I assume?"

She nodded diligently. "Yes sir I am. And who might you be?" He tutted "I'm Almond. We will be partners as we work on cases together. Charmed." He held out his hand for her to shake. She looked a bit shocked as she fumbled with the papers in her hand. She eventually took his hand and firmly shook.

"I'm glad we're partners! I've heard a lot about you. You really have a way of getting things done." She had a warm smile that tore through Almond's sturdy, well-kept armor.

"Yes... I suppose I do have a way..."

Terribly sorry for the lack of updates. I moved + mental health kinda be hitting hard
Have a good day/night!

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