Netflix and Chill 🤨[Choco Milk]

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This is just fluff lmao, I promise.

Every day they would call for hours, and today was no different. Aside from the fact Dark Choco was invited to his best friend, Milk's, house. Well, he had been there many times, but somehow he felt nervous and fidgety every time. He enjoyed Milk's company so much, but he had this feeling he couldn't shake.

But still, he accepted. And he arrived. He knocked on the door, waiting for Milk to come to the door and let him in. He waited patiently until the giddy cookie came to the door. He swiftly opened it and greeted Dark choco with a beaming smile, "Heyya!! Come right in, please!" Before Dark choco could even take a step, his hand was forcibly, but gently taken as he was practically dragged into the house.

Dark Choco felt like he should have resisted, but a feeling within told him he didn't need to or didn't want to. He was swiftly taken to the couch, where he was placed down, and instructed to stay. Milk smiled above him, "Alright, I will get some popcorn and blankets." Milk reached to the coffee table and gave Dark Choco a remote control, "Pick out a movie on Netflix. I'll be back in a few, okay? Staaaayyy" he commanded, treating him like a pet. He spoke very fast; everything went fast. Dark Choco's face heated up, but before he could comprehend anything, Milk sped away to the kitchen...

He was startled by the sudden cordial behavior, he expected awkward welcomes and such. Then his mind exploded at the sudden jerking and commanding... but he was intact. He did not defy what Milk told him though. He wanted to be obedient to him,,, for whatever reason. So, he got onto Netflix with the TV and scrolled through some genres. Did Milk like horror? Did he like comedy?? He thought he knew these things about him, but apparently not. He decided just to pick some random horror movie. He thought Milk could handle Horror. He himself didn't particularly take horror well, but he would put on a brave face for Milk.

Dark Choco waited patiently until Milk came back. Eventually, he did, with 2 bowls of popcorn and a singular blanket swung over one of his shoulders. Dark choco gave a weak smile, glad he was finally back. He laid the remote back down and took a bowl from Milk. He sat it in his lap as Milk plopped down beside him. Milk laid the blanket between them, almost as if he didn't even want it.

Milk exclaimed when looking at the movie title, "Oh! I've been waiting to watch this. I didn't know you liked horror Dark Choco...?" he spoke the last part with a bit of suspicion. Dark choco nervously chuckled as a response, "Heh... Yeah, that's because I don't." Milk raised a brow, confused as to why he would pick the movie out then. Milk questioned, "I like horror, but if you don't, let us watch something else" he gave a small smile to indicate to Dark Choco that it was okay.

Milk gave the remote back to him, "Pick out something you would want to watch, alright?" Dark Choco looked a little shocked but nodded as he went to flipping through titles on Netflix. He settled on a popular comedy, naturally, it would have a bit of romance in it lol. As the movie began, they both pushed themselves into the sofa, beginning to get comfortable. Milk unfolded the blanket and put it over himself. Dark Choco didn't mind that he had 0 covering. He was quite warm to be fair...

After long, the pair found themselves leaning into one another. It didn't feel uncomfortable or awkward for once, which was a new feeling to Dark Choco. Right when it seemed as though they were too close, Milk officially closed the awkward boundary and wrapped an arm around Dark Choco, pulling him in closer. Dark Choco's face heated up. He was quite glad nobody would ever notice these things, but it still made him flustered. Dark Choco seemed to choke on his words, "Mi-..Wha-... Why are you-...?" he ended up just cutting himself off and turning his head away. Dark Choco, though embarrassed, did not pull away from Milk, instead, allowing himself to lean upon his shoulder. Milk smiled brightly and leaned his head down. He placed a small kiss on the top of Dark Choco's head, starting to chuckle at how flustered he would get. It wasn't long until the pair shifted their attention away from the TV to the other in front of them. They didn't take eyes off each other that night...

OMG I typed this on my computer for once💀

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