Coming Out [Clover x Licorice]

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I hc licorice as trans so like— this is him coming out :]

Clover and Licorice sat on the couch. They passionately made out, as they both were in a frisky mood. Clover always made it a slow kiss, but Licorice seemed to push at it a bit more. He didn't like to be dominant, but he didn't approve of his boyfriend's pacing when giving him love.

Licorice pushed himself closer to Clover, starting to sit in his lap. Clover smirked into the kiss, hearing his 'girlfriend's' pleas. He slowly pushed his hand up Licorice's shirt, caressing his waist and sides.

Licorice shivered from the contact. He had always been touch starved, so any time a sensation was given by another person, it felt like heaven.

They continued the kiss as Clover's hand made its way up. His hand reached for his beast, starting to outline the edges. Licorice retracted a bit. He felt very uneased by these touches. It didn't feel like him.

Licorice was very uncomfortable to say the least. He didn't like the feeling of being treated like a woman. He hated being reminded of his physical appearance and the body parts he had.

He noticeably put less work into the kiss, instead shifting his focus to how his body was portrayed. Clover noticed how Licorice pulled away ever-so-slightly and stopped kissing him, pulling away his hand as well.

"Are you okay?"

Licorice paused. He tried to speak, his mouth opened but hardly any sound would escape. This was his chance to finally say something to Clover! It was perfect, but it somehow felt weird. He couldn't do it... he was nervous of how Clover would react.

"Licorice, babe... Is there something on your mind?"

Licorice slowly nodded. He couldn't find words for the time being, but he at least knew his boyfriend was listening to him. He shifted his gaze to the side, "I... I don't like you touching me there.."

"Okay. I won't then... Was there something else?"

Licorice turned back to Clover, "Yes... but I'm afraid of what you'll say." Clover was stunned, "There's nothing you could tell me I'd be angry about. I'll still love you, okay? Are you okay telling me?"

"I don't—.. I don't like being your girlfriend."

Licorice started with that, seeing Clover's shocked face, he realized he worded it wrong, "I mean... I like being with you. I still want to date you— I just.. girlfriend isn't the right term."

Clover nodded in understanding. He didn't look as shocked or confused. He thought Licorice didn't want to date him, which understandably worried him. "What is the right term then?"

Licorice stammered a bit, "Well.. uh— I would... I want..." licorice realized he was blabbering and just spit it out, "—Your boyfriend... I want to be called your boyfriend" he took another pause before continuing, "I hate being seen as a woman... it's not me.. it makes me feel gross—"

Clover cocked his head, "Youre trans?.. why didn't you tell me sooner?" Licorice shrugged, but looked away as if he were nervous. Clover continued, "Look, Babe, I don't care what gender you are, I love you either way. I'll see and call you by whatever you feel is most comfortable. I want to make you happy and feel like your best self. So, please, don't hide these important things from me."

Licorice smiled brightly, albeit, a bit nervously as well. He pulled Clover into a hug, starting to kiss his neck, "I love you so much... Thank you for understanding." Clover blushed, "You know I love you more! I'll always be here to support you babe. No matter what, I'll love you forever."

Side note uhhh no idea if I portray this right, but this is kinda how it went down for me when I felt like I was genderfluid, preferred different pronouns, etc. If any inaccuracies, let me know thoughts on this :]

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