chapter. 1 - amidst the shadows

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/ 3rd person pov /

Waking up to running waters, tweeting of birds and the blinding gaze of the sunlight through the thin curtains. This has been the case for the past 9 years for Y/N Flores. You see, 9 years ago, a town from very faraway has experienced a tragic landslide. Her family hailed from that land, and unfortunately of course, they were affected greatly by the natural disaster. The lady's sister had just given birth when the rumbling of the mountain began. The people scattered around like bugs, trying to get loved ones and children to safety. Y/N tried her hardest to fight her way through the village, desperately dragging her big sister with her.

But it seemed that nature was always one step in front of them. The 40 year old woman looked at her sister one more time before sadly placing the baby into her arms, pushing Y/N away before the bell tower finally fell over.

The frail woman spent weeks, journeying through mountain tops with a baby boy in her arms and clothes drenched in rain. Until she had finally caught a glimpse of what seems to be the light of a colorful town.

Y/N, now 47, lives near the riverbend, watching her sister's son, who now she calls her own child, grow healthier and happier. But she sensed a bit of loneliness in him.

" Keo! Keo don't run off too far!" Y/N yelled to the brunette boy who was running off to the forest. The 9 year old boy smiled at his mother and gave her a big thumbs up before disappearing into the clearing of trees.


" The shiny river!"

Keo edged over the bridge while he stared in awe at the running water. The little boy played with the cold water with his fingers, regularly splashing it into the air. It seemed the child had got too into the moment that he didn't realize that he was teetering over the edge because he immediately fell in with a huge splash. Keo shook his little arms upwards in panic yelping for help.


The water shook more downwards with one last wave ... then it all faded to black. The last thing he heard was another splash of someone jumping into the running water, and when he woke up what the boy thought was true. There was a man in a green cloak hovering over him at shore, his worried expression can be seen below his hood. Keo who's adrenaline was still running widened his eyes before he finally coughed out water. The man sighed in relief.

" You shouldn't be playing around the riverbend kid. It's dangerous, your mother would be very worried."

But Keo just stared at him, his eyes full of thanks. " Th-Thank you kind sir!" He finally spat out. The cloaked man kindly smiled, patting the kid's head hesitantly before standing up upon hearing a worried woman's shouts. " Keo?! KEO?! MY BABY WHERE ARE YOU?!". He looked at the kid one last time before taking off, and before the woman can even spot him with her son. Keo was about to chase after him when he was engulfed in Y/N's embrace. " Keo! Oh my goodness I am so sorry I wasn't there! Don't ever go here without me ever aga-! Keo?". She looked at the little boy, who had a big smile on his face. " That man saved me mommy!" He exclaimed, pointing towards the deep shadows of the forest. Of course he knew the cloaked man have already gone farther away. But the figure not too far away peeking from the trees says otherwise. Y/N held onto the boy tightly as she carried him back to the house, taking glances behind her as tears of worry fell from her cheeks.

" Did you say thank you?" she whispered to her son. Keo nodded before slightly frowning. " Yes! But he left before you could see him."

She gave him a kiss on the forehead again before setting him down and holding him tightly on the shoulders. " Don't go teetering over the riverbend like that ever again. I lost my sister to nature and I will not let the same thing happen to her son, okay honey?". Little Keo nodded, and hugged Y/N tightly.

" I promise mommy."

Y/N only gave her son a small smile before grabbing his tiny hand in hers as they approached their house. Y/N Flores' house isn't too far away from town, but from certain angles her cottage may seem a little out of place, being it surrounded by more plants and bushes than the rest of the town. She would regularly interact with the townspeople, which has shown her kindness since the day she has arrived. She would take Keo out to play with the kids so that he won't grow lonely. She would go outside and catch the Madrigal family spreading blessings to everyone with their gifts. Today, to make her son forget about his traumatic experience in the river, she took him everywhere and bought him gifts to make him happy.

The lady never was good with kids, but Keo always disagrees when she says otherwise. " I think mommy's big sis would've been happy seeing her take care of me!" is what he would say. But after today, Y/N felt a little guilty. " Keo I am so sorry for ... not being there for you." she said while they were seated near a bakery, Keo happily chewing on cinnamon bread. " Mama it's okay! I was saved and I'm well so everything's fine." The woman responded with a hum before music started booming across the streets. Keo looked over happily, seeing a glimpse of Mirabel Madrigal being bombarded by curious children.

" Mommy look it's a Mira!" He said before taking off. Y/N immediately stood up. " Honey wait don't run off so suddenly!". Chasing after her her child, fighting through the dancing crowd made her have flashbacks to " that" day. Y/N's heart started keeping up at a fast pace, cold sweat ran through her face.
" Okay okay deep breathes Y/N ... deep breaths. You have to keep up with Keo..." she managed to breathe out, jogging towards the cluster of children near Mirabel. " My Tia Pepa she controls the weather!" she heard her chorus. Ah yes Pepa Madrigal. Pepa was actually the first one to spot drenched Y/N near the village outskirts.

" What the-! Who are you and why do you look like a wre-"
Pepa paused, looking at the baby in the woman's arms. " Are you possibly from the town affected by the landslide..?".
Y/N nodded. Pepa immediately locked arms with her, her other arms helping her support the baby.
" Let's get you shelter mija."

" When she's unhappy well the temperature gets weird!" Y/N heard Mirabel continue. Pepa, who was being drenched by the rain cloud she summoned, got a glance of her friend and immediately smiled and waved, the cloud completely disappearing. The mother waved back finally taking a hold of Keo's hand as he led her around to follow Mirabel, who was still in the process of introducing her family.

" My Tio Bruno-"
" We don't talk about Bruno!"
" ...they say he saw the future! One day he disappeared."

Keo took a glance at the wall art and gasped. " It's him!". Y/N whipped her head around towards the direction Keo was looking and raised a brow. " Huh? What do you mean hun?". Keo pointed at who seems to be " Bruno", with a green cloak and glowing green eyes. Some villagers were now looking at them, which made her a bit uncomfy. Was the mention of this man's name really a big of a deal? Y/N laughed nervously, holding her son by shoulders and dragged him away. " I think your mind is still a little hazy. I think you should get some rest at home." she said. Keo pouted. " But mommy, Antonio's gift ceremony is tonight!".

" Annnnddd that's why my little boy needs some rest so that he'll get the energy he needs to party and to play!"
Y/N replied, playfully pinching the boy's cheek. Keo giggled. " Well alright little rascal! Time to go!"

And with that, Y/N carried the boy piggy back ride style and dashed through the town, Keo's laughs echoing behind her as both did not give a care in the world that towns people were staring.


This was absolutely fun to write ohmaygad. And oh my goodness if you reached this far, thank you !!
Have a nice day sunshines 🤍☀️

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