chapter. 13 - familiar visitors

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" A letter? I don't receive these often, are you sure it's for me?"

A mailman came by this morning at Y/N's doorstep. From her words it was truly a rare occasion for her to receive letters since her family separated ways ever since the landslide incident. By family, her mother and her sister were all she had. Her mother got called to go overseas for work. And they needed money badly. " Well are you Ms. Y/N Flores? Because this is the name the letter addressed this to." the mailman answered, hand till extended with the letter in hand. " Oh. Well then thank you so much!"

She closed the door, Keo looking over at her from the kitchen table. " Who's that from?". Y/N replied with a shrug. " I don't.. hold on. Did I read that .. correctly?" the woman's eyes widened, her heart holding onto the hope that it is who she thought it was. Keo ran up beside her to peek at the letter's contents. " Mrs. Flores?" he muttered in curiosity.


" Mama's .. mama? So Grandma?"

Y/N bolted upstairs, tripping on a few steps, and went down again with a different set of clothing with pants and a blue t-shirt. " Yes it's grandma! She finally got enough money to see me from overseas" Y/N cried out, grabbing a bucket and a handkerchief as she ran outside. She felt ecstatic. She felt nervous. She felt everything at the moment. Not everyday you get to finally see your lost mother after 9 years. " I have a grandma too?!". Keo jumped out the door to follow his mother who was on her way to the river. She had two baskets of laundry in her arms, filled with pillowcases, blankets, curtains and carpets.

" Today will be a busy day. We'll be cleaning, doing laundry and dusting and-"
" Cooking!" Keo interrupted, jumping into the river so suddenly that Y/N yelled out to her son. " Keo! We're here to wash laundry not you!"

Tackle hugging her son with her feet dipped in the cold water, Keo's giggles echoed across the river, Y/N laughs coming afterwards as she set him back on dry land. " Okay so!" she stretched her arms out to stretch her fingers and eagerly placed her hands on her hips.
" Let me show you how mama does her thing!"


For the past three days after the proposal, the Madrigal family witnessed something they probably only ever saw on rare occasions. Bruno couldn't stop smiling at all. Every move he made had a little dance, every walk turned into a skip. Even his rats were dancing along everytime he twirls around corners. Abuela watched everything happen and couldn't help but laugh. He looked silly but he was the happiest he's been.

" I think it went too well. LOOK AT HIM JULIETA. Is that the same man that lived in the walls for 10 years?" Agustin whispered to his wife, watching Bruno slide down the stairs with a " woohoo!". Mirabel appeared behind her parents to see what was going on and her face morphed into a unimpressed expression.
" This is the 7th time I've seen this today." she told her dad.

Felix was just downstairs when she also saw him slide down Casita's steps. " Wow looks like someone drank too much love juice." he said. Pepa rolled her eyes. " Let him be! It's better than having him sulk."

Suddenly Antonio bursted through the doors with two birds on perched on his shoulders, making Pepa form a cloud and suddenly zap her husband with thunder and Mirabel dropping yet another not-special special while on her way to her room. " Mama! Mama! Keo told me something today!". Hearing Keo's name, Bruno's looked over at him. " Oh?"
" Apparently Y/N's mother is coming yo visit after 9 years of being overseas." Tonito told Pepa, the bird on his left shoulder tweeting as if agreeing with him. Dolores opened the door to her room, visibly interested. " It's true I've heard." she echoed, doing her signature squeak before disappearing into her room again.

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