chapter. 10 - he's as gentle as rain

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another another short author's note:

... look, I have NEVER wrote a kissing scene before-
so if it does seem obvious i would like to genuinely apologize 🧍‍♀️


Cold air has taken over Y/N's house today. The rain last night sure made the weather rather cold. Cold enough that Keo went to her room three times for 4 extra blankets.

6 AM in the morning and there she was standing on her balcony looking at the gloomy grey skies with a blanket wrapped tightly around her body. Y/N shivered as she took a slow sip from her hot cocoa. " I wonder how Bruno is in this weather.." she said to herself.

She felt like a teenager sometimes whenever she thought about him. Even her son notices how smittened his mother has become.  When she went back inside her room, Keo was already at the doorway with a smile om his face.

" Mommy's thinking about Bruno againn~" he cooed, teasing Y/N, who replied with a tint of red in her cheeks and a tackle hug for her son. " Now what are you doing at this early time of the day?" she quickly said, changing the subject. " It's always lonely waking up after the rain." Keo answered, sleepily placing cheek on her shoulder.

" That's true. But don't worry I'll make your favourite food today." Y/N reassured him. Apple pies aren't the only thing that brings a smile to the boy's face, he also likes things with soup.

(This is also what my mother cooks for me during rainy season so I just used it for this one because I absolutely love it. Credits to my mama 😎)

" Chicken noodle soup?!" the child in her arms asked so eagerly that his face glowed. Y/N laughed at his cute reaction.
" Yes mijo, chicken noodle soup." He immediately jumped around happily on his mother's bed, bumping onto some pillows before playfully throwing one towards Y/N. She gasped. " Why youu-"

As expected a pillow fight began, there were a few feathers flying around, Y/N making her playful hits more softer so that she won't upset her son, and meanwhile Keo is having the time of his life. After 6 minutes of playing, Y/N was able to get Keo to go downstairs to help her cook. She planned to go outside afterwards to get groceries just in case it rains so hard that they can't get another opportunity to roam out anymore. The aroma of the soup engulfed the room, then suddenly a rumbling of someone's stomach echoed. Y/N chuckled, looking over towards Keo. " Looks like someone was collecting their hunger all night."

" Nuh uh! Dinner last night was good! I'm just very excited to eat the soup right now!" Keo replied. As always this child is so kind. " Alriighttt." his mother replied in a suspicious tone which made him laugh. When the soup was done, both finished the whole pot in just 30 minutes or less, Y/N gave more to Keo of course since he loved her chicken noodle soup. And that was enough to make her heart warm despite the atmosphere that day.

One last sip from the bowl and finally Keo was satisfied. " Done!" he exclaimed, proudly showing Y/N his empty bowl. She ruffled his hair. " Good job!" she congratulated. " Now who wants a warm bubble bath?". Keo's ears perked upon hearing the words " bubbles".

" Me!"


In the Madrigals household, nothing was different. It was also very cold that everyone wore at least 2 layers of clothing on them. None of them left their rooms much as well, because one step outside was so cold that even Pepa who has experienced snowstorms from above her head grew chilly.

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