chapter. 15 - the endless horizon

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Good news! ya gurl the author got her break extended so you know what that means >:)

More time to finish the book!!
Now onto today's chapter 😗


The 1st week of Y/N and Bruno being married has passed, and everyone on a fresh Monday morning started on designing the house immediately after they finished the chores.

Tonight was the night Keo's gift ceremony is gonna be held, and it will be the first time Mirabel is gonna host it as the new candle holder. While Bruno was away helping his sisters downstairs, Y/N was at the 2nd floor, nervously wiping the dust off the shelves. She almost knocked over a vase of flowers when a hand belonging to Julieta went in and catched it just in time.

" Y/N are you okay?" she asked her, placing the vase back on the shelf. Y/N placed a hand on her hip and sighed.

" I'm just nervous for my son. What if he gets a gift that can hurt him? Will people dislike him for it and all? It's just making me paranoid because I don't like seeing him get ridiculed and in pain." she confessed, feeling Julieta's hand on her shoulder.

" Hey. It'll be okay! I can tell that most of us here who got their gift for the first time didn't know how to control it at first." Julieta told her, giving a warm smile. " Should I bring Bruno here to calm your nerves?" she added. Y/N brought back her composure, holding onto the duster tightly before marching away. " No no! I'm fiIIINEEE!"

The house turned the stairs once again into a slide, seeming to have the mood to tease the new addition to the family today. The floor redirected her right towards her husband, making her bump into his chest and falling onto the floor.

" Ow... Bruno I'm so sorry." she groaned, crawling off him before pulling him up.
" It's fine mi amor I'm okay, but what about you? You've been on the edge lately, what's wrong?"

She was hesitant to answer at first but figured it wouldn't do anyone any good if she didn't reply.

" I'm worried about... Keo."
" Oh. Worried about his gift?"
" That yes, but there's also the part wherein I'm worried he might....uh... not need me anymore when he has a gift?"

Now being married to a Madrigal, Y/N was just like Felix and Agustin now. Married into the family, outsiders who had no gift. Surrounded by the exceptional, exact words of Agustin. And now her son is getting a gift, it's quite scary if he were to drift away too far.

Before speaking, she caught Bruno throwing salt over his shoulder before turning back at her. Only now did she realize he had the same ponytail on as he did on their big day. He looked good in it as always, then Y/N proceeded to turn pink.

" You're his mother hun, and he's still a growing boy. At any point in life whatever it may be he'll always need you. Gift or no gift." he told her, fixing her hair that was a bit messed up from the fall. Y/N responded by hugging him tightly, making him step back a bit because of how sudden it was.

" Thank you, I feel better now."
He earned a kiss on the cheek from her before she dragged him away. " Uh- where are we going Y/N-?"
" I don't know. You tell me, where do you wanna go?". She stopped walking when they were just outside Casita's entrance to look at him, waiting for an answer. H pinched his nose bridge and showed her a smile. " What are you thinking Y/N?"

" Oh nothing. I just think you look good in that hairstyle and I wanna spend the day admiring you in it." his wife replied confidently. He turned bashful. " Oh- well I thought you'd like it. You looked sad when I took it off a week ago." " Aww that's sweet mi amor~"

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