chapter. 6 - a ratnovela so familiar

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The two adults, Mirabel and Keo were now peeking at Isabela's door from behind a balcony ledge, very unsure of what their next move will be since Mirabel seems hesitant to talk to her big sister. Antonio decided to stay in his room to avoid suspicion since the sun was almost out, and if his mother found out he wasn't in bed then they'd be in great trouble. " I just don't get it, why Isabela?" Mirabel grumbled, crossing her arms as she slumped against the wooden railings. Keo who was huddled in between Y/N and Bruno gave her a confused look. Y/N sighed. " Well... it's the only way, unfortunately." she said to the teen.

Mirabel groaned once again, throwing a few contradictions here and there while Bruno tried to stop her. " Mirabel!" he suddenly yelled, finally catching her attention. " Sorry, sorry, what I mean is, it isn't up to Isabela, it's up to you." The teen bit her lip. She was still kind of hesitant when she felt Y/N's hand on her head. " Mirabel. If you want to ... save your family, I'm sure that means everyone. Isabela is family right?" she said as she she placed some of Mirabel's hair on her face behind her ear. " You two will always cross paths no matter what because you are siblings. Gift or no gift, growing hatred or having the will to make amends. They'll always be there."

Mirabel looked at the two. It felt like she was talking to her parents. "Do you wanna save your family? And this Encanto?" Y/N added as she looked at Mirabel dead in the eye. The teen straightened her back. " Yeah that's what we've been here for all this time!". Y/N gave her a grin. " Then go for it Mira!" she said, shout whispering. Mirabel was about to reply when they suddenly heard Camilo yelling from downstairs. He was calling out to his missing cousin, his head turning into a baby in the progress. All 4 of them in the 2nd floor ducked to avoid being sighted. " A-Anyway Y/N's right you should go. Alone." Bruno added the last word kind of softly and grabbed the plant nearest to him. " Wait you both aren't coming?" Mirabel asked, glancing at the two adults.

" Well I think it won't work if I was there because in the vision it was just you two. And I don't wanna be a bother to some heart to heart sister moment." Y/N teased. Mirabel playfully rolled her eyes at her.

" It was your vision Mirabel, not mine." they heard Bruno say from behind the plant. Mirabel smirked. " You're afraid Abuela will see you." she said. Bruno turned to face her. " Yes that too." Keo ran over to Mirabel and gave a big squishy hug, to which Y/N reacted with a small laugh. " Just to let you know, other than Antonio and Sir Bruno, you're my favorite Madrigal." he said, making Mirabel smile a bit.
" Oh really?"
" Yes! So I'm gonna give you a few of my luck for this one..." Keo took out what seemed to be a small piece of apple pie from his pocket. Y/N placed her hands on her hips and glared. " Keo...". The child nervously turned towards his mother. " It was on the kitchen table so I got it! And I was too excited to wait for morning ..." he mumbled in his defense. " Anyways Mira, mommy's apple pies always give me strength so..." Keo took her palm and placed the small piece on her hand. " For good luck!"

The giftless Madrigal couldn't help but hug him tightly. " Y/N raised a great boy." she thought. " Thank you Keo."

" Oh and by the way Mirabel, Y/N?". The mother and the teenager looked over to Bruno, who was on his way back into the hole behind the painting. " Once you save the miracle, can you both come visit? With Keo included of course."

" Once I save the miracle, we're both bringing you home." Mirabel corrected him. The man and his niece shared one last glance before he disappeared back into the walls. Right after he knocked on wood and held his breath of course. Mirabel stood up and this time hugged Y/N, who was very surprised by her action. " Whoa what's this for?".
" Everything of course, thank you Ms. Y/N."
" No problem Mirabel. Now go and save everyone."

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