chapter. 12 - an argument? or a proposal?

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Of course if you have met a lot of people on the way in life, you would know that every living being that has loved another human being cannot avoid a lovers quarrel.

An additional 5 months have passed by into their relationship, and Y/N has come to realize that both of their schedules are getting even more packed to the point she wanted to discuss with him about it. Unfortunately, there has been...a misunderstanding. She wanted more quality time, he didn't know how to spend it wisely with her in fear he might mess something up, she gets confused and it turned into anger, he turned frustrated and set more fuel into the fire, and then in came the silent treatment from Y/N.

2 days have passed since the argument, and Y/N despite being mad felt absolutely horrible. She missed hugging him, caressing his cheek, simply talking to him. But the tension was too big between them that it was too late. Though she avoided going to the Madrigals household, Pepa still came over twice a day, to pick Keo up and to drop him back home. But today she remained standing in the doorway when she and Y/N reached Y/N's house near the river.

" Uhm.. Y/N? Can I come in? I want to check up on you for a while you know. After all it's been two days.." she whispered, waiting until Keo disappeared into his room before raising her whisper into her normal voice. Y/N gave her a hesitant nod before walking back inside. The sky was overcast that afternoon, making the atmosphere around the woman's home more gloomy as it matched her mood. Pepa took a sit on the couch in the living room, Y/N following with two glasses of orange juice. Pepa talked first.

" Okay.. I know you and Bruno have this argument that has caused you both to avoid any type of interaction towards each other-"

" He's mad at me of course. He looked very frustrated that day but I couldn't help it. I just .. I just wanted to spend more time with him .. I didn't mean to..."
Y/N's voice cracked trying to stop the sudden cry growing from her chest. Her friend gently placed a hand on her shoulder. " He didn't mean to as well. I know couples have their quarrels evey once in a while. Heck even me and Felix have those of course. But after years of that, I know FULLY WELL! That a silent treatment does not solve ANYTHING." she said, making hand movements to emphasize the words coming out of her mouth. Y/N finally sobbed into her hands, making Pepa flinch. " I know! I know! But I just- I don't even know how to apologize or talk to him about this!" she broke down.

" Dios mio, it'll be alright! My brother loves you Y/N. He'll listen to you for HOURS if he wanted to! So what's a little talk to fix an argument gonna do to bring you harm? Nothing! I tell you nothing! Now dry those tears before I create a hurricane." Pepa lectured as she handed Y/N a box of tissue paper near the coffee table. The lady wrapped around the Madrigal's arm blew her nose, the miserable feeling only grew when she thought of Keo. " I don't want my son to see me like this Pepa." Y/N mumbled.
" He likes Bruno. If I lose Bruno I'm gonna make him upset. Oh God I've made a mistake!" Y/N continued on sobbing, and this time Pepa's face struck with concern. " This is gonna take a very long time. I hope Julieta is doing better at home." she thought.


" Bruno please. You've been in your room for a whole two days! At least talk to us. Or at least maybe talk to me."

Julieta stood in fron of Bruno's glowing door, hands on her hips with her eyebrows furrowed. The rest of the family members peeked through their own doors ready to see if Bruno would open the door today. " Do you think he'll ever show himself again?" Camilo whispered to Mirabel, who was actually two times more worried than her own mother.
" I hope. Because even mama won't let me visit Ms. Y/N in the library."

The door creaked and the whole family immediately ran back into their rooms. Excluding Abuela who was just behind her daughter with a worried look on her face. " Bruno! I thought you would ne-" Julieta got dragged into Bruno's room before finishing her sentence, the sadness that radiates from the illuminated candles and even the rats.

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