chapter. 7 - mirabel's disappearance

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After what seems like an hour of making plotlines that either make sense or is just plain silly, Y/N had fallen asleep on a wooden table, head buried in her arms. Although having fallen asleep, she worried for Mirabel. Has the conversation with Isabela at least go well? Was the burden of saving her family and Encanto too much for her?

Y/N woke up after having a confusing dream about cracks. This house was getting to her maybe. The woman turned to look over at her son. Keo was awake, but he looked like he just woke up because he was still stretching and yawning. She sighed, walking over to her son quietly to avoid waking up Bruno who was sleeping on his chair. " Good morning Keo." she whispered, giving him a light kiss on the forehead. " Hello mama." he hummed back.

" I'm sorry Keo but, can you do mommy a favor?" Keo's eyes widened, the boy sitting up quickly because he was eager to be of help. " Can you go back to Antonio's room? I think the suspicion of the Madrigals will just grow if they find out you aren't there. So, can you go hide out there with your friend until mama comes back?" his mother continued. Her son frowned. " What about you?"

She paused.

" Mama has to check on Mirabel to save Encanto. To save our home."
" Will you promise to be back?"

Y/N smiled at her son warmly, placing his forehead against hers before pulling him into an embrace. " I promise." After trying to quietly exit the walls but failing because of the tiny creaks, Y/N and Keo finally went out of the painting. Y/N left a small note behind to make Bruno aware that they left. Leaving without saying goodbye isn't nice after all.

As soon as they were back outside though, they heard arguing downstairs. The mother held her son's shoulders tightly as she stopped just at the top of the stairs, finding Isabela, Mirabel and Abuela in the bottom floor. Isabela had different colors of blue,yellow and red all over her dress and hair, and the floor was was filled with different multicolored flowers instead of Isabela's signature colors of pink and red.

" You have to stop Mirabel!" she heard the old lady yell. " Look what you did to our house! Look at your sister!". Pepa, who was downstairs with the rest of the group , looked up and caught a glimpse of her friend. The fellow weather Madrigal gave her a stressed look that gave " You came at a bad time" signs. Y/N can feel a frown form in her face as she watched Abuela throw in more hurtful words towards the giftless teen.

She can feel Keo trembling with anger as she kept her grip on his shoulders. She knows Keo can't stand fights. He never causes a physical one, and if there is a fight going on he always goes in between it to stop it.

" I'll never be good enough for you...can I?" Mirabel breathed out, holding back a cry. Abuela glanced towards Y/N's direction, which made the 47 year old woman flinch. Her gaze was icy cold that it sent shivers down her spine. " That woman." the old lady started, pointing at Y/N as she shifted her stare back at Mirabel. " I bet you dragged her to help you, didn't you?". Y/N heard Pepa gasp.

" If she did, Abuela, you have no right to blame her." Mirabel shot back through her gritted teeth. " I only wanna do what's best for this family. I-". Despite al efforts, finally the shouting began. Accusations were thrown back and forth between the grandmother and her granddaughter, and ground began to shake. Keo held the hems of his mother's nightgown in fear while Y/N wrapped her arms around his body.

" THE MIRACLE IS DYING BECAUSE OF YOU!" she heard Mirabel yell before the ground finally broke and shook violently. Y/N ran down the stairs in panic as she tried to get her son back to safety. Her head started to hurt. It reminded her of the ground shaking during the landslide, the wailing and cries of the people echoed in her head as images of her sister's distraught faces fades into view. Y/N groaned in pain, placing Keo down and pushing him towards Pepa. " GO! TAKE HIM AWAY FROM HERE!" she screamed.

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