chapter 11. - ways to win mommy's heart

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" HAS ANYONE SEEN BRUNO?!" 6 AM in the morning has risen once again, and a worried voice coming from Abuela echoed across the halls of Casita.

Isabela fell from her bed, Luisa opened her eyes and groaned, Mirabel bumped her head on a shelf attached to the wall and also groaned (in pain), Dolores who was already wide awake and knew where Bruno was remained on her chair fixing her hair in front of the mirror. Camilo pulled his blankets around him tighter and placed his head under a pillow, and Antonio was still asleep.

The adults meanwhile, peeked outside their doors. " Wait- he's not here?" Julieta worriedly asked, hoping he hasn't ran away again. But Pepa remained calm which made Felix confused. " Oh don't worry mama, he's at Y/N's." she reassured her mother. They all looked at her and Pepa just raised a brow.

" When did he leave?"
" 11:30 PM."

Julieta pinched the bridge of her nose.
" But it was raining last night-?" Agustin said from behind her as he looked out the window. It was now drizzling outside, and hopefully the rain stops this afternoon like what Bruno told them yesterday. Abuela paused for a moment before slowly laughing. " Oh my goodness he's living his young years again with that woman." The adults heard her say before turning back to go in her room. " I'm sorry for waking everyone up, you can resume your rest."

Abuela closed her door, Pepa and Julieta sharing glances before disappearing into their rooms too.


Bruno woke up alone on Y/N's bed, with the cold immediately entering his body. He shivered. " There's less rain but it's still cold."

Looking over Y/N's desk he noticed a yellow sticky note on a plate with pancakes ready. The smell immediately reached his nose. Bruno stood up and took the note. It was from Y/N.

" Good morning mi amor :)
Today it isn't raining much anymore so I went to work. I also gave Keo his own breakfast before leaving and don't worry, he'll take care of the rest. You can give him over to Pepa when both of you have fixed up. Please don't forget to take an umbrella. You'll be in big trouble if you and Keo end up getting sick. I love you ♡

P.S.: The kissing last night made me feel drowsy this morning

- signed, Y/N"

He laughed softly at the short note and eagerly looked at the pancakes. After 10 years in the walls and with limited food, anything else was paradise to him.

" Oh good morning." a voice coming from Keo appeared in the doorway making him startled. " O-Oh! Hi!" he greeted the child, who walked over to him. " Oh mama left you the same thing!" Keo exclaimed. " Anyway! You better finish that up quick because we're gonna go somewhere!" and with that Keo took off, making Bruno embarrassed because a nine year old kid got ready before him.

Also Pepa might scold him again for coming home late if he doesn't hurry.

Too busy thinking about schedules and all that, Bruno scalded his tongue from the hot pancake. He covered his mouth in pain, trying his best not to shout profanities while a kid was around. As if on cue, Keo came in with a glass of cold water. " Sorry I forgot to say that the pancakes were hot..." he mumbled, placing the glass on the desk. Bruno placed a hand on Keo's head and imitated the way Y/N ruffles his hair.

" It's okay I should've been careful."

" Yes you should have. Mama would not like you being careless." the boy replied.
" Waitt.. speaking of my mama... did you two kiss last night?"

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