chapter. 4 - what lies behind art

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The evening for the Madrigals the day Isabela's proposal was held in was rather, bad. Y/N was left in charge of looking after the 2 boys upstairs, who were apparently still full of energy and is ready to play with almost every animal in Antonio's room. Keo, who was eager to make his mother face her small fear of rats, has done a great job. After an hour of trying to convince Y/N to at least hold the rat, she finally gave in, and right now she had two rodents perched on her left shoulder.

" They said that they're glad you like them now!" Antonio giggled. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes. " Yeah right that took a lot out of me boys." She replied, ruffling both of their hairs. The two continued on with their jungle adventure roleplay when Y/N heard thunder and shouting from downstairs. She gulped. The thunder was definitely coming from Pepa, meanwhile the shouting- " MIRABEL!!" she heard Abuela Alma's voice boom all over the house. The lady flinched, trying to distract the kids from the commotion by playing along with their little adventure play for the jaguar, who was sitting in awe on a tree stump. Suddenly, Pepa walked in, a visible rain cloud above her head. She gave Y/N a forced smile, silently telling her that nothing went well. " What happened?" Y/N whispered to her. Pepa groaned. " It was a wreck. Mariano went home with a broken nose and apparently Mirabel has broken pieces of Bruno's vision that shows her in front of a broken Casita. And Luisa is losing her gift!" she shout whispered. Pepa took another breathing exercise, the cloud disappearing as she approached the two kids. " Anyways it's time for bed for these two." Antonio and Keo whined.

" Aww we wanted to play more." Antonio told his mother. Keo approached Y/N and yawned. " Yeah mama I still want to play." She cupped Keo's faced and laughed. " Yeah you don't look like you mean that Keo." Pepa laughed behind her and that made her glad. At least the stress left her just for a little while. " Let's get you into comfortable pajamas shall we?" Y/N said, excusing herself and her son out the room. As she and a sleepy Keo walked downstairs to get the bag for his things, the other Madrigals were having a heated conversation with the townspeople outside. " Oh no.." she thought. She locked eyes with Julietta for a moment, who shook her head signalling that they move to another location. Y/N gave the healing Madrigal a weak smile before slinging the bag onto her shoulders and moving her son back upstairs.

Keo wore a a pair of pajamas with banana prints, with a matching blouse to complement it. Y/N smiled at his tired face, who still was refusing to sleep.

" Mama I don't... wanna sleep yet."
" Well okay then. You won't be able to eat Mama's delicious apple pie in the morning."

Keo's eyes opened, just slightly. " Really? You made me pie?". He hugged his mother tightly in response. The boy loved apple pie. " Anything for my boy. Now what do you say? Go to sleep or no?". Keo shuffled himself and dashed to Antonio's room, where Pepa emerged and patted the boy's head. " Well then time for you to go to sleep too." She said. Y/N shot her friend another satisfied smile before disappearing into the room with Keo. " Mama." he called out to his mother. Y/N, who was about to tuck him in with his favourate blanket, hummed in response. " Yes?"

" Make sure you sleep today okay?" he said, visibly falling asleep. Y/N laughed softly. " Yes honey I will. You should too okay?". And with that, Keo was asleep,
Y/N sighing in relief because finally another day was over.

Gently closing Antonio's door, Y/N tip toed towards the guest room, went in and immediately changed into a nightgown, and basically melted into the mattress. " Oh my gosh finally." she mumbled, wrapping herself into the sheets as her eyes fluttered closed. Knock. Y/N's eyes shot open, her rubbing her forehead in dismay. " I'm coming!" she reluctantly called out as she dragged her body off the bed. Opened the door, and there stood Mirabel, who seemed too eager at this time of night. " Ms. Y/N, you HAVE to help me find Bruno." she whispered, startling the sleepy lady. " Huh?! Wait why-". " No time to explain! I just ... I need to save the family's miracle since you know, and I know you heard about the accident during the proposal dinner. And I know no one else here is going to believe me but you because you were with me during the day the house started to have cracks, so please please please." Mirabel pleaded, her hands basically clasped together in desperation. " Help me save my family's miracle. Help me just this once?". Y/N gulped. Did she poke her nose in too far? Bit off more than she can chew? She glanced at where Antonio's room is at, remembering Keo's face. Like Mirabel, she also wanted the best for her family, the only one she had. She gave it her all for Keo, to raise him in a household where he can freely learn and grow. Then her thoughts shifted to Antonio. The boy was also young. And Mirabel and him are close. Surely Mirabel doesn't want him to grow in a broken household with stressed family members and an Abuela who is basically going into a brink of madness.

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