chapter. 2 - the waltzing figures

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(short a.n. i am a big ghibli fan too, so I am HEAVILY and I mean HEAVILY inspired by these two's relationship as mother and son, so for Y/N and Keo, this is your relationship basically 😭✨)

 i am a big ghibli fan too, so I am HEAVILY and I mean HEAVILY inspired by these two's relationship as mother and son, so for Y/N and Keo, this is your relationship basically 😭✨)

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Okay onto the chapter <33


/ 3rd person pov /

The night of Antonio's gift ceremony has finally arrived, and Keo got out of bed faster than anyone Y/N has saw in her life. She laughed as her son hurriedly tried to button up his shirt, which she ended up doing herself. " Mama come on!" he yelled excitedly, holding onto his mother's dress as he lightly dragged her towards the Madrigal's household. Camilo was outside greeting guests, and when he spotted her he gave her a wave. " Hello there Ms. Flores! And hel-lo Keo!" he chorused, giving Keo a fist bump. " Good evening Camilo." the lady greeted back as she entered Casita.

As always the place was as vibrant and felt alive, in a good way. Keo gave his mother a knowing look, and Y/N knew exactly what he wanted.
" Alright sweetie, you can go off and play with the others." Her son jumped in joy. " Thank you mama!". " Don't go too far away into the house mijo!". The kids immediately took off near the stairs, where casita responded by turning it into a slide whenever they try to get a closer look of the glowing door. Before Y/N can cherish the moment longer she was engulfed into a hug by none other but Pepa. Her cloud is back, gray and thunder-y as always. " I'm sorry I just really need one right now." she mumbled, immediately letting go as she shooed the cloud away. Y/N smiled at her warmly while patting her shoulder. " Don't stress about it too much Pepa, everything will be fine. Antonio's a great boy! Keo talks about how cool he is to hang out with everyday, and so I'm sure he is deserving to get a gift that suits him."

Y/N isn't good with reassuring words. But to people she loved, she was capable of making exceptions. Pepa replied with a small nod before squeezing her best friend's hands one last time.
" Okay .. okay clear skies, clear skies." She inhaled, and exhaled with a satisfied smile, there was still a glint of worry deep in her eyes though. " Thank you lots Y/N, now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna look for Antonio. He needs reassurance as well." And with that Pepa took off, another small cloud starting to form again above her head.


" Hey Keo! Let's play hide and seek!".

One of the girls in an orange and white dress followed by a few of her other friends looked over at Keo with expecting eyes. After a few games and all, they've discovered that Keo was really good at finding things. One girl's lost hat, a boy's mug, the ... random pebbles of an old lady-

" Uhm guys I don't think that's a good idea. Mommy said not to go too far in the house." the boy said, eyes glued to the tiles of casita. His friends on the other hand, whined. " Don't you think your mom is too... I don't know, full of worry? Aren't you nine?" a boy with brown hair contradicted. Keo remained stiff. " Yes I am, but-". The boy got dragged into the kitchen by the few other kids, their laughter causing him to panic a little. " Then come on and play with us! You're responsible enough!". His little eyes started quivering, is there really no way out of this? Well I mean, yes he is 9, he is older than a few other kids like Antonio for example. Keo sighed in defeat. " Okay fine. Just one game though."

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