chapter. 8 - mommy's back

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Pepa Madrigal was one that has a lot of experience with children, considering she already has 3 in her life. She would never expect trying to comfort another's child, a good friend's kid, be as difficult as trying to hide secrets from Dolores.

Keo never stopped crying. And he definitely never stopped calling out for his missing mother. " I want my mama back." He mumbled, wiping off his continuous tears. Pepa worriedly rubbed his back trying to comfort him, giving her husband worried looks as well.
" I saw the big house save mama with two cabinets. Mama is still in there. Please bring me back to my mama." The little boy continued on.

" Keo... hate to tell you but-" Pepa was immediately interrupted by Julieta's shouts of relief from not too far away.

" Mirabel!!" Julieta yelled, lunging herself towards her daughter as she pulled her into a warm hug. Even her father joined in, despite the stings the bees left on him. Pepa looked over to where Keo was seated, at least where he used to be. When she found out he was gone she immediately looked around to find him running towards Mirabel. " MIRA!" Mirabel whipped her head towards the direction of Keo's voice before she got hugged tightly on her legs. " Keo! You're okay!"

" Yes I am. But I don't know where my mommy is." he replied sadly in a way Mirabel has never seen before. Y/N may not be his real mother but Mirabel saw the way they treated each other like true mother and son. Mirabel patted him on the head. " I'm sure Mommy's still there." She gave him a small smile, looked around, before whispering to his ear.

" Tio Bruno saved her."

Keo was about to scream happily when Mirabel placed a finger on her lips. Immediately understanding what she meant, he zipped his lips, putting back his sad face so that no one will suspect anything. Mirabel looked around at the broken house, Keo's hand still in hers.

" I think we can fix this." she said to the boy, who gave her a small grin.


Y/N huddled in a small corner behind a broken wall with Bruno and Abuela, completely out of the family's sight. Kindly giving the old woman the biggest open space, the lady still in a nightgown basically had her head on Bruno's chest being squished in what little space was left. " I'm very sorry." she whispered to him. She heard his heart's pace quickened and sighed, shaking her head with a small smile on her face.

Alma watched the whole thing happen in front of her and smiled. This scene seemed familiar. Her son was definitely falling in love.

" I think it's time we show up now. I miss my son." Y/N mumbled. " And I bet he misses you too." she added, looking at Bruno. His eyes widened. " Me?"

" Yes! He likes your company a lot. Now let's all go." Taking his hand again, before she walked away, Alma called out to her. " Mija... sorry for being too hard on you with this situation when you were with Mirabel. A lot of my family members' trusts you and I overlooked everything because I was scared to lose them too."
Y/N frowned. This seemed difficult. But considering how smoothly things are going now, and seeing that determination to be a better person in the old lady's eyes, she decided to forgive her.

" As long as you want to change for the better, I forgive you Miss Alma." she finally replied. The woman smiled back at her. " Alright. I think I am ready to go."

" I'm not." Bruno said, looking at the family he hasn't interacted with in years. Y/N laughed, which made him calm down a little. Just a little bit.


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