chapter. 14 - y/n madrigal

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Its has now been a whole year now. Mrs. Flores decided to settle in with her daughter and has been staying with her to this day, now being in charge of Keo whenever Y/N is away. There were a lot of changes for sure, but today is where the change would really affect the rest of Y/N's life.

Separated from all the others with her mother and Pepa, Y/N seated in a wedding dress had her hands tightly wrapped around Mrs' Flores' as she shook from all the nervousness bottled up in her chest. " Mama I can barely breathe right now." her voice was quivering and her face was burning up. Her mother, who was teary eyed, placed the hair that fell on her daughter's face behind her ear and sighed. " Y/N it's alright. It's normal to feel nervous on your wedding day. Right Pepa?"

Pepa who was standing right behind Y/N had a cloud that was currently raining because she was shedding tears of joy.
" I literally had a hurricane on my wedding Y/N. Everything's gonna be fine."

Three knocks came from the door and Mirabel, who was wearing her usual dress except it was white designed with blue and green butterflies, came into the room. She looked at Y/N and her face beamed. " Oh my goodness Ms. Y/N you look stunning!". Y/N gave her a nervous smile before going back to staring at the floor and letting out shakey breaths. Mrs Flores chuckled, looking at Mirabel. " Sorry dear, I'm afraid she's too nervous to even speak." Mirabel let out an oh! before approaching Y/N and taking her other free hand.

" You're worried about walking down an aisle with everyone looking at you?" Y/N nodded. " Well, just focus on your groom then!" Mirabel said, winking at the bride. Pepa patted her friend's shoulders. " She's right! Just focus on Bruno. Act like we aren't even there!"

" Wh-what if I mess up my words during the vows? What if I trip and it would be eng-engraved into my memory-"

" Y/N darling those won't happen!" Mrs. Flores interrupted, lightly smacking the back of her daughters head and fixing her veil afterwards. " Do I look fine at least?" Y/N continued, looking at the mirror. She looked like a completely different person that she couldn't even recognize herself. The excessive amount of white colors is something she thought she would only witness once in her life, which was on her sister's wedding. Now her sister's dress is on her, the perfect fit too as if it was meant for the both of them. The dress showed off her shoulders and the flowy skirt complemented it as if it gave her a fairytale feel. On her ears she wore her mother's purple diamond earrings and finally the veil with the top designed with lilacs. " You look breathtaking sweetheart. Your sister would've loved to see this!" her mama replied, stroking the top of her palm with her own hand.

" You mean to tell me she's watching?"
" She is! It's your special day after all."

The door opened again, and Abuela Alma came in. One look at Y/N and she gave the same smile Mirabel showed her.
" I hate to ruin a fine moment but I came to tell you that it's almost time."

Pepa shooed her cloud away to give Y/N a warm embrace. " Congratulations Y/N I'm so happy for you right now." she said. Y/N laughed heartily. " Thank you so much. I think I'm a little fine now." When Pepa let go, Mirabel was next to hug her, this time it was a little bit of a tight squeeze. " I can't believe it! It's finally happening! You're gonna be a Madrigal! Not like you and your mom were never part of the family but this is official now!" she exclaimed. Y/N hugged her back. " Ah this is all thanks to you though."

Mirabel pulled away to adjust her glasses. " Huh? Really?"

" If you didn't tell me to come with you in the walls that day I would've never knew what kind of guy Bruno was to fall in love with him." Y/N explained. The teen raised her eyebrows and placed her fists on her hips proudly. " Well I guess I did do that!"

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